We All Make Bad Decisions

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of  depression, abuse, suicide (brief)

Andy doesn't know where Leo lives. If he did, he'd already have marched in, pulled a knife from the rack, and proceeded to slice the builder into pieces small enough to burn in a wood-fire. 

He calls Remington more times than he cares to count but each time, it goes straight to voicemail. He knows his number is probably blocked and he knows just who is responsible for the sudden loss of contact. He curses himself for arguing so relentlessly when clearly, Remington is in the midst of a self-destructive, suicidal meltdown, which surely will end in disaster. 

In his worry, he goes as far as to drop by both Shy and Larisa's places, finding no luck there and eventually confiding in Juliet over the phone. She and Lucas left two days ago, on New Years. "You have Remington's number, right?" He checks. 

She can hear the panic in his voice, and says, "No, why?" 

"Can I give it to you? It's just, he's blocked my number and he's in trouble. I need you to call him." 

"Andy, I barely know him. What good am I going to be?" 

"He said he talked to you at hospital. Please, Juliet. He's not...he's not safe."

"Not safe? What do you mean, not safe?" 

A sigh. "He does this thing. I shouldn't even be telling you." Another sigh. "He met this guy a while back. While we were fighting. Leo, he's called. He's awful. I mean awful. He hits Rem. Anyway, he met Leo, and now whenever he's not in a good mindset, he goes back to him. Last time, he came to his senses and called me for help, but I think it's gone too far this time. He's blocked my number, or at least, Leo did it for him. He said he wants to leave the band, but I'm not taking that seriously. He said all this crap about not loving me anymore and wanting me out of his life, which is something Leo kept telling him to say. I'm worried, Juliet. He's in trouble, I know he is. Please just call him. He might not even answer." 

"What's his number?" 

Andy recites it from memory. "Thank you," he breathes. "Let me know what happens. See if you can get him to tell you where he is and I'll go rescue him. I don't know, maybe say you need someone to look after Lucas and I'm busy." 

"Okay," she says. "I'll call him now." A pause, then, "He's really lucky to have you, Andy." 

"Thank you," he says again. He hangs up. 

* * * 

Remington is shopping with Leo. He doesn't want to be, and doesn't see anything wrong with his current clothes, but abiding is easier than the other options. His phone rings in his pocket while they're in an over-priced, dull clothing shop, and he checks Leo isn't within listening distance before answering. 

"Hello?" He asks, not recognising the number. 

"Hey Remington. It's Juliet." 

"Oh, uh, hey. What's...what's up?" 

"I'm in need of a babysitter this evening and Andy's busy, I was hoping you'd be available? I know it's a little weird, I hardly know you, but Lucas really likes you." 

"Uh..." He looks around and slowly steps further away from Leo, concealing himself behind an upright mirror. "Tonight? When?" 

"From five. Five thirty at a push. It wouldn't be for too long, just until around eight." 

"I'm kind of busy. I don't really know when I'll be, uh, when I'll be finished." 

"Oh, doing anything exciting" 

He checks again for Leo, relieved to see he's making his way slowly towards the other end of the store. "Just shopping," he says without much thought. 

"Oh, nice. Special occasion?" 

"No, not really. My...my friend wanted to come, so..." 

"Okay, well have fun. Could you let me know if you happen to be free around five-ish?" 

"Yeah. Sure." He frowns. "How'd you get my number?" 

"Andy gave it to me when I asked if he could look after Lucas. He suggested I ask you. I'll go now, leave you to your shopping." 

"Okay. Bye, Juliet." 

"Have a good day," she says, and he hangs up. 

Remington is dragged out of the shop by Leo, who has an uncomfortable grip on his wrist, and into another shop that might as well be the same one. 

Half an hour later, Leo is pulled away by an 'important phone call I've been waiting for' and leaves Remington to fend for himself in a large department store. Remington wanders around, aimlessly poking at clothes that are hung neatly on rails, and his phone rings again with Juliet's number. "Hey," he answers. 

"Where are you?" 

"Wha-Andy, why are you-" 

"Cut it. Where are you? Are you with him? Is he hurting you again? Tell me the truth." 

"I told you, I don't need you. Get lost." 

"Tell me where you are, Remington." 

"No. I'm not a baby, I don't need your help. Get lost."

Andy sighs audibly. "I'm worried about you." 

"Worry somewhere else that doesn't bother me." 

"You're going off the rails."

"That's nice of you to say." 

"Remington, I'm serious. I know you're with him. You know how bad he is, why do you do this to yourself?" 

"Why do you care? You said you wouldn't be here, so why are you?" 

"Just tell me where you are, for Christ's sake." 



"No. I don't want or need your help. I don't love you, I don't care about you, get it in your thick fucking head." 

"Where are you?" 

Remington takes the phone away from his ear, looks at the screen, blinks away persistent tears, and hangs up. 

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