We All Make Thing Complicated

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Trigger warning: Mentions of death, Andy being an idiot again. 

"You really don't have to pay for me," Remington says, looking across the table at Andy, a plate of food before him.

The elder shakes his head and smiles. "Please, if you spent money in here, you'd have none left for your water bill."

"I'm not poor."

"Not, but I am rich, so let me blow some cash on you because I know you haven't had anyone buy you shit before. Let me at least try and be a nice person."

"You? Be nice?" He picks up his fork. "Well...thanks. I appreciate it."

"Hey, I'm nice. You said a couple weeks ago that I'm the nicest person you ever met."

"I'm a pathological liar," Remington says jokily. "Maybe I should re-phrase it, then. You're the nicest person I've ever met called Andy."

"Buy you don't know anymore Andys."

Remington grins. "Exactly."

"You're a little cunt, you."

The boy shrugs and stabs a tube of pasta. "Nice is overrated anyway. You know who's too nice?"

"Who's that?"

"Gerard Way."

"My Chemical Romance fan, huh? I never could've guessed." The sarcasm makes Remington roll his eyes.

"Gerard is fucking fit."

"He's, like, twenty years older than you."

"What's your point?"

Andy shakes his head, amused, and puts a piece of steak in his mouth.

"Gerard's, like, what every rock star wants to be."

"Mm, not me."

"Of course, not you. Because you aren't nice, and Gerard's nice." He shrugs again and smiles.

Andy chuckles. "Charming."

"How's the house?"

"Juliet still needs to come get some of her things."

"At least she let you keep your house, though."

"Yeah, she must have a heart after all."

Remington hums. "Everyone has heart, some people just don't know how to use it."

Andy nods thoughtfully. "That's a very good way of putting it."

"I know, I'm a genius."

"Well..." He picks up the steak knife. "How were your brothers today?"

"Still dead."

"Stupid question, sorry."

"No, it's nice."

Andy returns the smile he's given. "I never thought we'd be friends."

Remington scoffs. "Friends. Ha. You are an idiot, aren't you?" He picks up his glass. "I'm only friends with nice people."

"Here we go again."

"Alright, alright, don't give me that tone. You ain't my daddy."

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