We All Need Gay Parents

157 13 30

The title is perfect and u know it is okay

Trigger warnings: Brief mentions of depression, self harm

Returning from upstairs, Remington walks into the scene of Lucas pointing at each of Andy's visible tattoos and Andy explaining as simply as he can what they are. He smiles at the sight. "Hey," he says after a moment or two of watching.

They both look at him. Andy smiles. Lucas stares. "Juliet needed a last minute babysitter," the man explains.

"Who's that?" Lucas asks obnoxiously.

"That's my boyfriend," Andy says before he realises. Then he adds, "He's called Remington. Or Remi. Remi's probably easier."

The guitarist's smile grows. He joins them on the floor. "You must be Lucas," he says brightly.

"Lucas. That's me." The boy looks towards Andy again. "Boyfriend?"

"That's right."

"Mummy has a boyfriend."

"Oh yeah?"

"I don't like him," he pouts.

Andy glances at Remington, who's still recovering from being called his boyfriend, and raises an eyebrow. "Why's that?"


"Mummy's boyfriend is boring?"


"You know who isn't boring?"

Lucas continues looking up at him. "Who?"

"My boyfriend. Look, he has pretty drawings, too, see?"

Now, he follows Andy's finger towards the young man's arm. "I want some," he announces.

"When you're older."

Lucas pouts and huffs, though his frustration wares of quickly as he looks closely at Remington's tattoos, stroking over them with his fingers. "It feels nice."

Both Andy and Remington know he's feeling the scars. Remington could cry at how much hearing that seems to lift his mood.

"Boat," the child says loudly, pressing a finger gently to the ship on Remington's arm. "I like the boat."

"Me too," Andy agrees.

"My brother drew that one," Remington explains. (Idk if this is true but roll with it k) "He loved art. It's good, isn't it?"

"Yes, good!"

"What tattoo would you get?" Remington asks.


"Oh yeah? Andy has a few of those."

"Andy is batman!"

Remington laughs. "Don't say that too loud, you'll expand his ego."

"Do you like batman?"

"Not really, no."

"Andy, your boyfriend don't like you," Lucas says, followed by a grin.

"Oh no, what ever shall I do?" Andy exclaims. He holds up Lucas under the armits and lifts him off the ground. Lucas squeals. "You're flying!"

"I'm flying!"

"You're flying!" Remington joins in. "Like batman."

"Batman can't fly," Lucas says in a horrified voice.

Remington suppresses a laugh, as does Andy. "He doesn't? Why is he called bat man, then?"

"'Cause he's batman!"

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