We All Talk A Bit Of Shit (re-posted)

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(re posting bcos the comments are screwed in the version I published twenty minutes ago. They weren't showing up like they usually do, sorry to anyone who read/commented in it, this is this same chapter just reposted, comments are appreciated!!

Trigger warnings: Mentions of death, depression, sex

The first to wake is Andy, finding he's beside Remington is the younger's bed, both of them naked. He sits up and looks over at Remington with a troubled expression before getting out of bed and quietly dressing in last night's clothes, remembering that his shirt is somewhere downstairs. Andy finds it on the couch where it must have landed last night when he took it off and tossed it behind him. He picks it up and shakes it out before pulling the shirt over his head and searching for his shoes.

Once he's found all that's his, Andy opens the front door and steps out, closing it behind himself and unlocking his car that he left on the street by the house. In the car, Andy puts his head on the steering wheel and groans because now he's going to have to upset Remington by telling him that what just happened isn't okay and that he shouldn't be having intimate relationships with anybody in the band. It looks unprofessional and fans will call them both whores, sluts, sex-addicts, pervs. Anything they can think of.

For five minutes, Andy sits in the car with his head on the steering wheel. Eventually he turns the key and begins the short drive home. The first thing he does is shower, followed by putting on clean clothes and making a strong mug of coffee. His phone buzzes half an hour later. It's Remington asking why he left so early. Andy doesn't reply. He decides it's easier to explain at rehearsal later.

When rehearsal comes, Remington is the first to arrive, as Andy is setting up the microphone. He leans his guitar in the case against the wall and watches the man for a few seconds before saying, "you snuck out this morning."

Andy looks up from the amp. "I know," he replies. Then he points to another amp and says, "plug that it, will you?"

Remington does as he's told, though with clear reluctance. "Why did you sneak out?"

"Use your brain."

"Just tell me."

Andy shakes his head and sighs. "I left because I don't want you to think this is more than it is."

The younger folds his arms. "Oh, that's real charming, isn't it? So what, you just got horny and thought I was easy? Oh gee, thank you."

"No, Remington, it's not like that."

"Then what is it like? Do enlighten me." He leans against the wall. "You know, next time you want a quick fuck, try the local bar, alright?"

"Why are you getting so touchy?"

"I'm not touchy, you cunt, I'm fucking offended."

"Offended at what? What have I done now?"

Remington scoffs. "Use your brain," he says spitefully, and the door opens, cutting the conversation off as the others start arriving.

After the session, Remington notices Andy quickly retreating into his house in an attempt to avoid any further conversation, so he chases after the man and invites himself into the building.

"Jesus, what're you doing here?" Andy asks sharply. "Go home."

"All this time you've been calling me a slut, when in reality, you're the one who used me for sex."

"You enjoyed it, don't pretend you didn't."

"I never said I didn't. I don't care admitting that I enjoyed it. Andy, because the difference is that I'm not ashamed of it."

"Well isn't that cracking for you, then."

Remington laughs. "You know, I thought you were different. But it turns out you're just like everybody else."

"The hell does that mean?"

"All this bullshit about caring about me. All you were after was a way into my pants! Well forget about it, I'm not your sex bloody doll!"

"Christ, calm down. No one said shit about a sex doll and who says I even like 'getting into your pants'?"

"It just gets better, doesn't it! First, you fuck me like your life's depending on it, then you have the audacity to sneak out, and now you're telling me you didn't even like it. Fantastic." He barges past Andy into the living room, sitting on the couch and throwing a cushion on the floor.

Andy picks it up. "Will you stop getting so would up all the time? I'm literally straight so I don't know why you'd think I'd ever enjoy shoving my dick up your arse!"

"Give me a break! You were the one who fucking started making out with me! I never asked you to do that."

"Don't turn this around on me! Yes, I admit, I kissed you first, but when did kissing someone automatically mean having sex?"

"Oh, fuck you! You knew damn well what you were doing! It was you who asked where the bedroom was! Don't for one second pretend like you didn't have a hand in this! We both enjoyed it and anything else is a big fat lie and you know it! It isn't my fault if your ego is so delicate that you think fucking a man gives you a bad reputation! I'll have you know that anyone who fucks me is a fucking lucky bastard, alright?" He throws another cushion at Andy. "I fucking thought you gave a crap about me, Andy, but I should've known! All you care about it is yourself, you fucking cunt faced cunt!"

"Cunt faced cunt? Surely you have better insults than that."

Remington clenches his jaw. "Do you take anything seriously? Everything's just a fucking joke to you, isn't it! What, you find it funny to piss about playing with people's emotions do you? God, fuck you, I wish I'd never fucked you!"

"You're such a dramatic cow, you know that?"

"Better than being a childish, selfish dick!"

"At least I don't make issues out of nothing!"

Remington growls and throws another cushion. "You're fucking horrible and I wish I'd never met you!"

"Fine, then go back to having four mental breakdowns a week on your own!"

"Shut up!"

Andy puts the three cushions on the other couch. "Just because you're comfortable with it doesn't mean I am, Remington."

"Then why do it in the first place? And don't bullshit me again because you were as horny as I was."

Finally and in a defeated manner, Andy sits down beside the cushions. "Alright, I'll admit it, I was horny." He sighs. "But I get horny easily, so to be honest, I wouldn't put much thought into it."

"Bull shit!" Remington shouts, getting up and kicking Andy's shin. The man glares up at him. "You're literally so full of shit, I'm surprised you don't spend your life sitting on the toilet!"

"I'm surprised they haven't installed a porter-loo in the graveyard with the amount of time you spend there!"

"At least I know where my brothers are!"

Andy grabs Remington's arm and twists it so the younger can't pull away. "Recycling old insults makes you look like a twat," he patronizes, twisting his arm further and smiling sarcastically when Remington whimpers.

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