We're All Hot

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Smut Smut Smut Wattpad better not fuck this up for me <3

"What if we had sex right now?"

Andy spins around at the question in his ear, eyes wide. He clears his throat and looks at Remington, unimpressed. "What if I slapped you?" He retorts with a sarcastic smile.

Remington just grins.

"We had sex once, it won't happen again. Go back to whatever it is you were doing over there."

"Fantasising," Remington says. They're alone in the greenroom, since the others went to look around the city before the show.

"Please don't elaborate." Andy sits on the couch and takes his phone from his pocket, half-watching as the younger huffs and falls into a cushioned chair. "What do you want?" He asks eventually. "Just tell me so I can go back to ignoring you."

"I already told you."

Andy scoffs. "It's not gonna happen."

"Why not?"

"Because I-"

"Because I'm straight. Oooh look how straight I am. Oooh I'm so straight, you could use me as a ruler."

"Shut up before I turn you into a ruler."

Remington rolls his eyes. "What if I said please?"

"It's still a no."

"Ugh, you're so boring. You probably don't even watch porn."

"Please stop."

"Vanilla," Remington mumbles.

Andy raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. "You know that's not true."

"Oh, so now you'll acknowledge that we fucked?"

"I do acknowledge it. I just try not to." He smiles sarcastically again. "And for the record, I do watch porn."

"Straight porn, though."

"Shut up right now."

"Make me."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"Shut up."

The younger laughs. "Make me."

Andy looks back at his phone dismissively. "Don't you have someone to annoy?"

"Yes, you." He gets up and sits beside Andy, close enough that the man has to dramatically move along. "Oh, come on, don't be afraid of a little contact," Remington says, pressing his entire side to Andy's. The man just looks at him. "You're hot when you're annoyed."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"Oh, for the love of..."

"If you just agreed to have sex with me, then this wouldn't be happening."

"You could be the last person on earth and I still wouldn't agree," Andy says.

"Yeah yeah, sure sure. Tell me that in half an hour."

"What's happening in half an hour?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He pokes Andy's chest and gets up. Andy watches him leave the room, shaking his head and returning his attention to his phone.

In almost exactly half an hour, after the others have returned to continue getting ready, Remington comes back, only he's no longer wearing the black jeans and hoodie he had on before. Now, he's wearing a black harness with silver rings and a PVC skater skirt. Beneath that are stockings, and on his feet are thick-soled black boots. He smiles innocently at Andy, who isn't quite sure where to look.

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