Chapter Fifty-One

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"Where the hell is Mono-sama when you need her!" Akaza said. The group tried getting the two siblings to stop bickering but nothing worked.

"You're so useless!! Your only good point is that you're strong. Nothing else! Once you lose, you have no worth at all! You're just a deadbeat failure, who is unsightly to boot!! It's all your fault that we were caught!" Daki yelled at her brother.

"Shut up! If you were alone you would've been long dead by now! I saved your ass so many times. You're the one who is a deadbeat failure! You're weak! You have so many flaws! I truely regret all the times I've protected a sucker like you. If you weren't here I would've had a different life! I clean up all your damn messes. I wouldn't even be in this position if you didn't exist!" Gyuutaro yelled. Daki had tears in her eyes. Before Gyuutaro could continue  yelling, Mono placed her hands over the siblings mouths.

"Hey now. That's no way to treat each other." Mono said in a gentle tone. The group watched the scene unfold. "There's no way you two mean that. You need him as much as he needs you." Mayu walked up to the white haired female with her sibling in her arms. Curiousity getting the better of her.

"Stop yelling at each other, okay?" Mono removed her hands from their mouths. The two stared at the young Demon Slayer, they looked at the demons around them. Upper Moon One and Three were there, watching them closely. Lower Moon One and Five were there too. "I brought you two here for a reason. I want to help you." Mono said.

Gyuutaro scoffed at the white haired teen. 'Help. Help? Where was there help all those years ago? No one helped them then so why would someone help now?' Mono broke the crystal chains, that kept the two in place.

The two stood up.

"Let's leave, Onii-chan!" Daki said grabbing her brother. Mono stopped the two from leaving.

"You two can't leave." Mono said.

"Why not!" Gyuutaro yelled.

"For starters the sun's out so you won't be able to leave without killing yourself. Even if you were to head back to Kibutsuji, he'll kill you off anyways for failing him. He'll also kill you because you have those parks on you." Mono said pointing to Daki's thigh and Gyuutaro's face.

"No matter how you look at it, there is no different outcome. You'll end up dead no natter what." Mono said.


"So why don't I get a mark like that?" Akaza asked the white haired teen.

"Kibutsuji would be suspicious if one of his strongest Upper Moons were to go missing. If I placed that mark on you he'd probably try and find where his missing demons are, and if you went back with that mark you will most likely die. I don't want that to happen because I consider you apart of the family now, like Enmu-san and Rui-san." Mono explained to the male.

Akaza's cheeks flushed a pale red.


"Muzan-sama wouldn't do that! The Upper Moons are to important to him!" Daki cried out.

"Don't be to sure about that. Enmu-san told me that Kibutsuji killed off the entier Lower Moons after Rui-san went missing." Mono said pointing to the younger demon. "What makes you think he wouldn't do the same to you." Mono said pointing to the demon siblings.

"Muzan-sama-" Daki started.

"Muzan is a pathetic demon who can't do anything for himself! Why would you follow a leader like that?! He acts like a toddler throwing tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants!"

The groups eyes widen. Mono usually keeps a calm demeanor. She's never yelled like this before. Not even when she first met Sanemi.

"You may not fear him now, but when he gets ready to kill you, it'll be a different story! If you think begging him to spare you would work on him think again! It'll make you kill him more! Besides, I don't doubt that he'd kill you off when he becomes this "Perfect Being". All you are, are his stepping stones. You lead him to his goal, he doesn't even do anything for himself. All he does is whine and complain. You worship that?"

Gyuutaro and Daki kept there mouth shut, listen to Mono yelling at them about their master.

"You don't realize it because he's manipulated you into believe that he's the best thing in the world." Mono let out a sigh. "I don't mean to yell, but I need you to understand that I am trying to take you away from this, same with the rest of the Upper Moons. I'm doing the best I can to keep them safe even without those marks." Mono said pointing to Kokushibou and Akaza.

"Let's make a deal, within the next two weeks you two will stay with me. By the end of week two, you can decide whether to leave or stay. If you leave earlier than that I'll bring you back here myself and chain you down."

"What's the catch?" Gyuutaro questioned.

"No catch."

The two stayed quiet until finally decided to make the deal with her. Mono gave them a gentle smile and placed a hand on their heads. "Glad that's settled." Mono said.


Night fell and Akaza and Kokushibou were long gone. Daki and Gyuutaro stayed in their shared rooms while Mono was at her desk figuring out how to make a substitute for blood. Kiri and Mayu slept peacefully on a futon together. Rui and Enmu were helping Mono, but also keeping at eye on her.
Uzui and his wives slept in a room together and so did the Kamado's and their friends.

Both Akaza and Kokushibou were summoned at the Infinity Fortress.

********************* Taisho Secrets ***************************

Rui: "Kokushibou-san had a gift for Monk but didn't get the chance to give it to her. I wonder what it could be?"

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