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Adrian Kingsley was the strangest person I had ever met.

He was so incredibly cold-hearted and sharp-tongued, and then he got the door for me, even when there was literally a doorman there that he paid to do it. He seemed so strict and uptight and fit; like he was the kind of person who counted calories and ate salads for breakfast, but instead he ate treacle croissants.

I just didn't get it, I felt like I was missing something.

In the back of the black town car again, I sipped the coffee and didn't even bother to eavesdrop on Sebastian and Adrian's conversation; it was seriously so boring.

Upon entering the vehicle, the only moment of excitement had been when I'd greeted Sebastian with a jovial, "Why, hello there, old sport! I lasted the night, can you believe it?!" To which both men had stared at me in silent disapproval.

What dullards.

His phone buzzed and I flinched because so far handling his phone communication was scary.

This was an email from a Mr. Collins verifying something; another invoice with a date marked Time of Arrival at the bottom.

I yawned and showed Adrian. He glanced at it and nodded. "Type "Confirmed" and send."

I liked specific instructions and so I did as he said then went back to snoozing in the corner of the car.


Once again I jolted awake, looking around wildly, confused as to where I was.

Then I registered plush leather seats and a rain-soaked window with shimmering lights outside.

I was in the backseat of Mr. Kingsley's town car.

Blinking bleary eyes, his face emerged from the shadows and I caught the fading glimmer of an amused smile.

"Sorry to disturb you, but we're here, Ms. Mathers." He told me. "And I dare say I should reprimand you for sleeping on the job."

He was teasing me again. I'd never get used to him doing that.

"Come on, Bernard's waiting for you with an umbrella."

Startled, I cracked my door to find that Bernard was in fact waiting for me on the other side with an umbrella held open for me in a noble, solemn fashion that only Bernard could have managed.

I disembarked the vehicle after grabbing my purse, and as I huddled beneath the shelter of the umbrella with a muttered 'thank you' for Bernard, I was floored to find myself on an airfield.

A big black jet was waiting for us.


Ooohh, where do you think he's taking her?

Now I personally have only flown coach, but a private jet ride sure would be nice!

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