Pt. 2 Twelve

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Adrian watched Eve hustling her cute, plump little ass out of the conference room.

A phone call, hmm?

He frowned, displeased with her for being mysterious, and even more so for hardly even asking permission to leave; in the middle of a conference.

These things were so damn boring, if she didn't take notes for him, he would have almost no mental reference to the event.

Even now, Vern Rice was droning on about current in-house sales cycles, and Adrian wasn't listening to a word.

Who was Eve speaking to that could possibly be more important than him?

The idea that anyone or anything could matter to her more than him was suddenly driving him right over the edge.

His hands slowly curled into fists under the table.

Oh, she was asking for a punishment.


I was positively glowing when I came back from my phone call.

Suffice to say, I was feeling world's better after talking to my friend.

Dani was seriously the sweetest.

She had wanted to assure me that when I was ready, she would get me in contact with Eliza, or perhaps another literary agent. She also offered to have Eliza take a look at the material I had so far, so that she could give me an open-ended estimate.

"She-she would really do that?" I choked. I was currently mindlessly pacing the sidewalk outside the Kingsley's building. Thankfully the weather was clement today.

"She doesn't even know me." I pointed out breathlessly.

"Of course she would, if I asked her to! She's my bitch!" Dani said, and laughed merrily.

I let out a nervous chuckle. I couldn't tell if she was really joking or not.

"Oh my gosh, Dani, that would be so great! Just...unreal!"

"Is that a yes?" She asked, a smile in her voice.

I could picture my lovely blonde friend now, blue eyes warm and full of guile-free kindness. I suddenly wished I was there with her now, sitting out on her private dock on the Little Tennessee River. Her secret getaway for writing retreats.

"Yes! Yes, a thousand times yes!" I cried joyously, making her laugh again.

"Splendid! I have a good feeling about this!" She told me. "So I'll talk to her and give you the all clear as soon as I hear back from you. I'll send you her contact info, too, of course."

"Oh my gosh, I'll need to spend the rest of the week furiously editing!"

"Haha! I hear you, but take it easy, okay? Eliza knows the difference between raw material and the final polish. Don't make yourself sick about it, just trust in your own talent and instincts, okay?"

I let out a breath. "Okay. Thanks. Really, D, thank you sooo much. This means-well, you know what this means to me, better than anyone."

"Of course! Anything for a friend. I miss you, girl. Let's get together soon, eh? I'll come to you."

"I miss you, too! Yes, that would be wonderful! Haven't seen you in that long." I practically cooed to her.

We ended our call shortly thereafter.

When I returned to the conference room, the meeting was just wrapping up. Talk about good timing.


Adrian resisted asking me outright what I had been doing.

I appreciated that it must be hard for him to show such restraint.

The way he looked from my face to the phone in my hand made me think he wanted to rip it out of my hands to check it. I bet he was dying to know who'd I'd gone to call.

I couldn't deny that I enjoyed having him on pins-and-needles for once. See how he liked it.

We had a meeting with his PR managers next, as well as his other financial advisors. The man had as many financial advisors as he did pairs of Italian shoes.

"Everything alright?" He asked me, taking my arm rather domineeringly as he steered me along the corridor to Board Room 804.

"Yeah, great." I gave him an innocent smile when he looked at me.

He pursed his lips. Something in his eyes told me I was in for a firm punishing when we got home.

My tummy flipped. I couldn't wait.


Happy February, gentle readers! Longest month of the year, are you ready?!


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