Running into problems is

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       Bella pov

"Dad we have been out here for weeks for now. We need to stop for supplies." I told my dad just then as my brother Emmett walked in with a another sandwich.

I point behind me not letting go of the wheel that steers our boat.

"Point number one walking in the door now. Emmett's eating all the food like he always does dad! I wonder sometimes how we can live underwater and he still eats like that!" I smirked and pointed to my brother to make point.

"Hey I can't help it that I'm always hungry." I hear my dad chuckle. "Alright, stop at the next port and we will go and get supplies." I turned the wheel and take the route to the next port.

See my dad is from a underwater world much like ground walkers. Well humans you call them. Mom and dad had Emmett and I. But our home was destroyed by the crab creature.

Not like the crabs you eat. But anyways mom left me somewhere to protect and I don't remember and I found dad and our kind have been at war for a long time.

Since then my dad has trained us to use our powers and fighting skills. But I was also trained by someone from the old world of our people.

See I was kidnapped when I was 3 years old in the human world when we tried to live among the humans. They thought I was psychic of some type.

But actually I wasn't human and I always refused to use my powers. But when Andrew got angry or furious, let's just say I have a defense mechanism that when I was born with and I'm thrown from the person for protection.

But I still got hurt and I have scars all over and my body heals itself. But I also had a protector of sorts and she always told me stories of her time of when she was a great warrior.

She found a place and she trained me fighting and battle skills and we planned our escape but one day they or shall I say what they we're going to do to me and Mara was killed protecting me and I escaped two days later and I was 10 years old

But along the way we found I'm much more powerful then my family when I found them and I grew older.

So my dad decided to buy this boat and we went in search of other people of our kind.

We found some along the way and they were like us, they're home we're destroyed.

So they're are others like us out there that don't even know that they are like us, some how they lost they're memories. We don't know why either.

But along the way we hope to find our mother. There are things out at sea the people don't know exists. We keep our secret hid very well unless we are attack that is.

We find a port to pull into. Being in the Atlantic ocean we dock at the bottom of Florida.

Yes we are heading south. But I know you heard of the burmada triangle. That's where we are heading now.

We heard about creatures being seen there. Maybe they are a peaceful clan.

I stay on the boat only because human man keep tracking me and we don't know why. There are two different ones.

Riley Biers and a guy named James. I know he has others in his gangs too. There is also Anthony. Ohh did I forget the men that swarm around me. That is very bad.

So I stay on the ship and now I'm looking at the maps to chart our best course there.

Yeah dad and Emmett made me captain of this trip. We actually take turns. But most of the time they leave it up to me.

"Have you figured out our route yet?" My dad asked me as he walks in. I look up at my dad.

"It's getting hard to map out. We can go so many ways, but to find the safest route without running into our enemies. But to tell you the truth the closer we get the more my mind gets foggy. Don't you think that is weird?" My dad tilted his head, which he always does when he thinking.

"I know what you mean. It's not weird at all Bell's. Because I can feel it to. Kinda of funny though because Emmett asked me the same thing. He feels it to. But remember what I always say to you and Emmett in times like this." My dad says as he walks until he's in front of me.

I look into my fathers eyes for a moment. "That will always figure something out, that to be patient. That the answer to our question will come to us in time. But dad I can't figure out what I was feeling until just now. Someone or something is trying to stop us." My dad just nods his head.

"Now take a break and see what we got for supplies." I smiled to my dad and put my arm around his waist.

"Let's go see what you two got. But like always not what we needed." My dad chuckled and puts his arm around my shoulders.

It's a week later and the middle of the night and I was sleeping and I opened my eyes when I felt the boat jerk. I got up and ran upstairs and out on the deck.

I froze in my tracks when I see dad and Emmett laying on the ground. There was a strange creature standing above them.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE!" I demand it. The creature looked up at me. "You think you can come through our territory without sensing your families powers? You on the other hand, I can't sense your power though. I find it strange." It told me.

"But I don't! You have powers of your own don't you? What are You?" I asked it.

"Oh we are sorry! Our kind is very surprising to you. We our of one mind, we don't call our kind what we are. But for this one time we can tell you what we are." I could hear moven't all around me.

"We are what humans call jelly fish. But we can only come out at night and take our true selves." I knew of this kind. My dad told me about them.

They only sting you to make you not remember you been here and you go to sleep for awhile and not remember your past. But for some reason we could.

"It's time to go to sleep." I felt a sting on my neck and I grab the right side of my neck and turn to face the creature.

I didn't get a chance to say anything before I fell to the floor and I watched as they went to the counsel and started pressing buttons then walk out and they jumped off the boat.

For some reason I didn't fall asleep right away. I slowly got up and made my way to the steering pit and went to the counsel.

They programed the auto pilot back to turn around and go back to Flordia.

I hurried and punched the auto pilot to go back but made a slight change to our course. I had a feeling about something but wasn't sure of what it was.

I started to get sleepy. I tried to keep my eyes open but it was getting hard.

I slowly slid and kinda of hid myself and leaned against the wall and I looked back to where I was standing and saw a big puddle of water that looked like it was looking at me but then everything went black.

I didn't know how long I was out for but I could feel a hand on the side of my face and it felt safe to me and I leaned into the touch. I sent him the gift of the connection to feel me. Because this person could touch the side of my face and it was a man.

It was very sunny out when I slightly open my eyes and see a man kneeling down in front of me.

I accidentally spoke with my eyes first and said safe! Because I felt safe with him when he touched me.

Then I remembered what happened and I spoke with my eyes again as they widened because I was terrifed out of my fucking mind.

"Help!" I asked him and then everything went black again. Or was I dreaming all of this. It was so strange though.

I could feel myself being lifted up off the floor and someone was carrying me. But for some strange reason I felt safe for the first time in my life.

I also heard voices around me. I was way to tired to move or wake yet. I was pushing trying to wake up, but I slipped back into darkness.

I do not own all the chacters in my story. Stephiene Meyers does.

I own the rest of the chacters and the story.

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