Asking Bella and her family to become part of his crew

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      Bella pov

"If I told you to stay here would you?" I nodded my head as my dad and Edward went to deck.

But I sense something coming to the bridge. I snapped my head around to the other side of the bridge. My eyes widen.

"How you get up here?" I asked James. "I had a little help." He pointed down to the deck.

I was confused by this. "That fire thing showed up where that Captain was holding me up at and asked me if I help with catching you." My eyes widen.

I open my mind to Edward. "The fire creature let out James." I backed up against the panel and he hit me.

"HANG ON!" I yelled out as I quickly turned around and turned off auto pilot and ran and started pushing up to go full speed on the engines.

I ran for the steering wheel and I started turning to the right as fast as I could but James pulled me back from the wheel and slammed me against the wall.

Then he went to hit me and I hit the floor and he hit the wall instead. I hurried back over the wheel and made a hard left turn and I seen in the corner of my eye James start to slide.

I smirk and make a hard right and put all my weight into it. I felt something grabbed my leg and I about grip of the wheel.

I looked down and James had a hold of my leg. I screamed out as I tightened my grip on the stirring wheel.

I took my other foot and started kicking James. "Let me go you bastard." I told him.

"No your mine." He told me. "No you son of a bitch she's mine!" I snapped my head around when I saw Edward and he looked very angry.

"Oh, oh oh this isn't good!" I said to myself. He let go of the door way and made his way over to me and removed James hand from my leg and grabbed him by the throat and that's when I went flying.

I hit the wall behind the wheel. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and I got up and straighten out the boat.

"You got the boat?" A smile went across my face and I turned and looked at Edward and he had James by the throat still but up off the floor.

"Yeah! Remember don't use your powers on him." I told him with my mind. He nodded his head and walked out.

I got the boat back on route but I was taking a little detour. I was trying to go around some of the creatures.

So I kept myself busy by Manual steering the boat for a while. I felt arms come around me from behind and I knew it was Edward.

"What you doing?" He asked me. "I'm steering your vessel?" I told him. "I see that silly. I mean what are you really doing?" I smiled and leaned back against him.

"Oh taking a little detour from the creatures." I told him with my mind. "In about an hour I'm going to go back on course and put back on auto pilot and get some sleep. Oh we're going to get there quicker than I thought we would." I told him with my mind again.

"By how long?" He asked me with his mind. I smiled. "By a day. Seems someone was closer then I thought he was." I told him with my mind and kissed him on the cheek but this time it was his turn to take me off guard and press his lips to mine.

I could get use to this. The way he makes me feel when we kiss. Then we heard someone clear there throat.

"I didn't mean to interrupt but we never got to the x-rays." I heard Carlisle say.

I leaned my head down forgetting about that. "I'll be there in a few. I just got to put the vessel back on course." I told him.

"Here I will do it. You go and get it out of the way and get some sleep." Edward told me.

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