chapter 26

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     Bella pov

Edward just stood there frozen. "Edward the food." My dad told him. My dad kept his distance from me.

Edward hurried back to finish cooking. "Mine explaining please!" Edward said.

"Well how do I put this. When Bella was born she was chosen. Which meant she couldn't have well you know be with anyone except her true mate which in return is just like her. But anyways if anyone ever tried to well take her innocent, well they couldn't, just like the built-in mechanism that protects her when someone gets mads." My dad told him.

"So what your saying is she stayed pure until she could be with her mate and transfer her powers and they do the same." Edward said.

"Well not fully." My dad said. "At least until your married and then you guys transfer your powers to each other and share them when you become one after you married it's like when Bella powers upgrades." My dad explained.

"So wait, that would explain why I still feel wonky and still in pain?" I asked with my mind.

"Yep!" My dad said. Edward turned around and looked between the both of us.

"Your kidding right. So your telling me if we don't do this she can still die?" He asked my dad.

I looked at my dad. "That's actually what I'm saying." I dropped my coffee and I screamed from the top of my lungs and the tears fell from my eyes.

This can't be happening to me again because I don't have 2 weeks. I only have one week. Fuck my life."

I felt Edwards arms come around and pull me close to him.

"Will figure this out baby. Charlie she doesn't have 2 weeks left. Damnit the coma fucked her up." Edward said.

"What are you talking about Edward?" My dad asked him.

"Her powers and before she had surgery she was still having pain. It was like she was trying to advance again but can't now I understand. She trying to transfer her powers and we can't. God just to think I can still lose her or maybe not. Charlie finish lunch. I will make Bella one later I have an idea and we can stop at a different port first." Edward scooped me up and took me to the engine room.

"Emmett get out right now." Edward told him. I was confused and then I felt Edward gently lay me against the wall.

He shut the door then walked into the middle of the engine and closed his eyes and raised his hands.

Then I felt his powers go into the engine. I smiled because he was fixing them and he was making them go very much faster.

Then he turned around. "You think you can handle being around my mom to do your dress so I can drive our vessel to get the supplies and stuff I need for our wedding and for our vessel?" I nodded my head.

"But your mom needs to go a shore to get her dress." I told him with my mind.

"I will come back and she can go and get it. Because we will only have a couple hours. I'm ordering the crew that is not family to leave this vessel and never come back. We have all the crew we need and you and I are assigning everyone there post. Expect for my dad that is. Oh and you are going to give everyone there memories back. I will just be by your side in our office of course." He gives me his shitty ass grin. He scoops me up.

"Can I have my own desk?" I asked him. "Anything you want baby. I'm not hurting for money so what's my is yours. What kind of desk do you want?" He asked me.

"Take your desk out and get the double oak desk." I told him. He gave me a quick kiss. "I love the way you think. Oh when we go to the island I want you to put your shield up around the ship and I will give you a walkie and I will let you know when we get back." I just nodded.

Edward knocked on a door and his mother opened the door and he explained everything and then he put me on the couch and gave me a quick kiss and walked out.

Then there was a knock on the door again and Esme answered it and she came back with a walkie and handed it to me.

"Now let's get that dress on and measure shall we." She helped me up and I held the walkie to me and we walked to her bedroom and put the dress on.

"I don't have to do much to the dress." Then the walkie came alive.

"You can put your shield up now baby. We are far enough away from the ship." I closed my eyes and focus on my shield and I could feel it wrap around the ship. Or so I thought.

"Oh there is a tray in the bedroom for you when you're done Love you." I smiled.

"We're done and as soon as I change you I will help you to Edwards room." I nodded and she helped me get dressed and helped me to Edwards room.

I saw the tray next to the bed and lifted the lid and there was the burger he promised me and a cup of coffee.

I smiled so big. I took a bite of the burger and I moaned. Oh my God this is so good.

I actually ate the whole thing. Drinked the coffee.

Then I still sensed trackers. Oh come on. I reached for the walkie.

"Did you forget about something?" I asked. "She speaks." It was my brother and my eyes widen.

"Your not the one I want to speak to bone head. Where's Edward?" I asked him.

"Hold on. Gee whiz. Don't you want to talk to your own brother." I could hear a noise outside.

I get up and walk to the port hole. There was a boat coming to the ship.

I ran for the speaker on the wall. "ESME DID YOU SENSE A SHIELD GO UP AFTER EDWARD LEFT?" I snapped out.

"NO!" She told me. "We got company coming and there is a human and that means the trackers were never found on board." I lifted the walkie.

"We have a problem, a very big problem and we got  human coming towards the vessel and you guys forgot to look for the rest of the trackers and something didn't go up. So we are in danger. I repeat something didn't go up and we are in danger and I'm going into hiding."

I ran back to the speaker. "Find some where to hide and I will hide and seal myself in. Stay quiet.

I ran out of Edwards room and went towards the engine room. I remember there being a small door in the water storage area.

I quickly ran in there and found it and opened it and climbed in and closed it.

I set the walkie down and slapped my hand against the door and my hand turned red and the door sealed and I went back against the wall.

"I'm safe and sealed myself in. Esme is hiding and don't know where. Turning down walkie." I turned down walkie and covered my mouth.

Then I heard Esme scream out. I lifted up walkie and walkie.

"They found Esme but didn't kill her. They are going to leave her alone in fact they locked her in a room. I just sense it. They are looking for me but won't find me I think. But I got a very bad feeling about something." I set down the walkie.

Then I jumped when I heard them in here. "Make sure you put the drugs in the water." My eyes widen. I pressed the button on the walkie.

"They put drugs in the pool of water." I whispered but never let up on the button when something slammed against the door of where I was at.

"GIVE ME SOMETHING TO TRY AND OPEN THIS!" I knew they couldn't open it but they started beating the hell out of it and caving it in.

I didn't have much room in here at all. Now I was up against the wall.

"Help!" I said as the walkie was closed to my face and I opened my mind.

My God, how much more can they pound me in here.

Plus now they were mad so that wasn't helping me out and I started crying.

"There mad! I have no where to go." I whispered.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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