getting my water power back

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      Bella pov

I was waking up finally after Edward had to bring his dad in to sedate me because my pain had gotten so bad.

I rolled over into Edward and cuddled as close as I could to him but I noticed he was still sleeping.

I took the moment to soak him in. But I was looking at him. At how soft his hair looked. How tanned he was.

Wait he has a tattoo. I push myself up so I didn't wake him.

I pulled back and looked at the tattoo just over his heart. It was a heart. This was recent because it has my name on it.

I gently took my fingers and trace the heart. Then Edward grabbed my hand.

"But how?" I asked him. "Jasper!" Was all he said and he still had his eyes closed.

"We need to change the plan just a little." I told him. That's when he snapped his eyes open and looked down.

"I can't get in the speed boat with you and dad because it won't follow me in the water then. I have to go in from the beach. Just meet me there." I told him.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. "We do this your way." He told me.

We finally got up and my dad actually was able to saved my scuba suit.

Emmett had his on so did my dad and Edward. Edward pulled me to him and kissed the top of my head.

"Keep her safe Emmett!" Edward told Emmett. "Always bro!" Emmett said as he pulled me against his side and we watched as they walked away.

I looked up at Emmett. "You ready?" I asked him. "Yeah! Where do we start?" He asked me.

"Well that's the hard part." I told him. "Hey where do you store water on this ship?" I asked. We decided to go with head sets because we thought it be easier.

"Near the storage area. We have a holding tank." Edward said. "All the way to the back of the ship then past the engine room my guess." Emmett said.

So we made our way that way. We made it to the engine room and stopped.

"The last time I seen it was in my bedroom and I made it to the hall way and Edward called out for me and it went into the floor and disappeared." I told him.

"Yeah but we got another problem." Emmett told me. "What's that?" I asked. "Look!" He told me. I looked to where he told me.

My eyes widen to see the fire creature. "Emmett move your ass now." We both took off running through the door.

I looked behind us and it still was behind us.

       Edward pov

Charlie and I were in the speed boat with all the equipment.

Then the radio started going crazy. "What the hell is that?" We heard Rose yell out.

"It's a fire creature. Move your ass." We heard Emmett yell out. I turned and looked over at Charlie.

"We stay put! We stick to the plan." Charlie told me. "What is she doing?" Rose asked.

      Bella pov

I stopped and thought for a second. Dirt or sand smothers fire. If I can just get enough sand or dirt and stun it.

I close my eyes and focus. I open my hands at my sides as I feel the sand and dirt raise up and I snapped my eyes open and bring my hands up and aim it at the fire creature.

"AAAARRRRGGHHHH!" I screamed out as I fell down to one knee and finally dropped my hands and lower my head.

I take and wrapped my arm around my stomach. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder.

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