finding out what happened to her mom

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        Bella pov

I started to wake up and I was in a different room. I sensed Edward closed by but he wasn't angry anymore. In fact something was different.

I went to roll over and noticed the IV stuck in my arm this time and I had the scrub shirt back on.

I turned my head to see Edward sitting in a chair next to the bed with his head laying down on the bed.

I took my hand and ran it through his hair. He lifted his head and it looked like he was sleeping.

"Your not angry anymore." I told him. I cupped the side of his face and he closed his eyes and leaned into my touch.

"Something different!" I told him. He reached for my hand and took it into his hand.

"Yeah, thanks to your brother. I was missing my sister bond." He told me.

"Alice!" I said and he nodded his head. "I have so much to tell you but not now. You need your rest." He told me.

I lifted my arm. "Dad trying to keep your pain under control but it wasn't working until I came in here and I just held your hand until I fell asleep that is." He told me.

I took my hand back and moved back and lifted my blanket.

I watched as Edward took off his boots and both his shirts and climbed in bed next to me.

I put my hands on his chest and buried my face into his bare chest and I fell back asleep.

I started to hear voices and I open my eyes and my eyes and looked and it was Esme.

She cupped the side of my face. "I brought food. You need to try to eat dear." I nodded my head and sat up.

I scooted myself against the headboard and Edward put the tray of food over me.

"You think you'll be alright while I go take care of some things?" He asked me. "Yeah! Anything bad?" I asked him.

"No! Emmett needs my help." I giggled. I waved him off. "Go if I get to bad I just have your dad dope me up again." I told him.

"Yeah like that worked out so well." He told me as he put back on his shirts. "That bad huh?" I asked him as I took a bite of food.

I put my fork down and pushed the tray away. "What's wrong with the food?" He asked me.

I put my head down. "Ask Emmett that question when you see him." I told him. "Hey can you at least do me one thing please?" I asked.

"Anything?" He told me. "Make me a cup of your coffee?" I asked him. "Sure no problem." He told me as he grabbed the tray of food.

      Edward pov

I made a pot of my coffee and Emmett walked into the kitchen while I was waiting.

"Hey what's up with your sister and other people's
cooking food? I mean she ate my food I cooked it no problem. But my mom cooked dinner tonight and she took a bite and pushed it away and then she asked me for a cup of coffee the way I make it." Emmett slapped himself in the face.

"Bella has taste issues dude. It took me a long time to figure out how to cook the food how much spices to add to it and so on. Wait you said she likes your cooking?" He asked me.

"Yeah!" I told him as I reached for a cup and poured the coffee into it.

I added the stuff I would to mine. "In fact I'm taking this to her. She asked me for it. I mean it's Alot stronger and I add certain things to it." I told him.

"Coffee part I'm out dude. She always made that." He told me. "On the food part though consider yourself lucky on that." He told me.

"I'll meet you at your sister room." He told me. I took the coffee back to Bella.

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