chapter 42

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      Edward pov

When Charlie and I came around the corner we both froze.

It looked like Bella was blocked and her and Alice were staring at each other.

"Is that what you mean you have to have permission to come around Bells?" Charlie asked.

"I guess so. I was wondering how she made Alice flew all the way down there before she got thrown, because Alice was standing at that Panel there and my wife felt like she was on a mission the minute she took off from the bridge and I had to tap into powers just after she threw Alice." I said.

I finally walked up and pulled Bella back against and held her against me and buried my face into her neck and started kissing her neck.

I was distracting her and it was working and she leaned into me and she was no longer on mission.

"That's my girl. Go with your dad a minute. I think I'm going to have my dad give Alice the cocktail for now. It might help some." Bella tilted her head.

It will take away her visions. So that will help big time. She has no powers or at least not yet or can't detect because of what's going on.

I smiled because it was amazing listening how Bella's mind worked.

Then she tipped her head the other way. But it won't take away the curse or spell. God I need my brother to figure this out.

But anyways the cocktail that's right. Yeah it will help. Then she looked up at me and I gave her, her favorite smile and nodded to her and gave her quick kiss and pushed her into her dad smacking her ass.

She covered her ass and squeaked and glared at me and I just laughed at her.

"Edward bring Alice to the hospital wing and hold her the infirmary while I talk to my dad alone please." I went to the speaker on the wall.

"Dad meet me in my office and do not speak to Alice or have direct contact with her until you talked to me first and that's an order." I walked to the office and leaned against the wall just inside the doorway.

I scared the shit out of my dad. I put my shield up.

"You want to explain to me why it felt like an invisible wall even trying to go around Emmett and Alice? Even after you ordered." He asked me.

I crossed my arms in front of me and put a shitty ass grin on my face and turned and looked at him.

"Because when I gave a order now it has to follow no matter what for our kind. Same goes for my wife. On this vessel and out there." I told him.

His eyes widen. "You mean you and B.." I stopped him and pointed to my ears and around us and he nodded his head.

"Ok, I need you to give Alice the cocktail. She has a spell or curse on her and Bella can't give her back her memory until we go to the last port we were at and we can't do that until we get Bella's twin brother and there's a major problem with that." I told him.

My dad looked at me confused. What's the big problem, wait did you say Bella has a twin brother?" He asked me.

"Yep, I ain't explaining nothing. It's not for me to tell and the big problem, well 2. Is both places one has a hurricane and the other tropical storm." I told him.

"So Bella steers the vessel." He told me. "You didn't let me finish. I said 2 dad." I even showed my dad 2 fingers to quote it and make my point.

"When we had to go to that hidden cave for my wife's powers to advance and the fire creature being aboard and going through those storms not once but twice dad this vessel took a lot of damage." I stopped and I went into thought.

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