chapter 28

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       Bella pov

I finally opened my eyes and I felt Edward gently cup the side of my face.

"How are you feeling baby?" He asked me. I looked into his eyes. He pulled me into his arms.

"It's alright I got you. Are you up for a shower." My eyes widen

"Are you fucking crazy? They drugged the water with God knows what." He started laughing.

"Baby you been out for hours. It's been drained and cleaned and all the lines drained out and refilled and everything fresh again and then I can get you something to eat and then we can go to our office and I need to call Emmett in." I pulled away and looked at him.

"I told him or I ordered him he had to tell you not me. So shower?" He asked me and I nodded my head and he scooped me up and stood me up.

"Up!" He told me and I lifted my arms and he took my night gown off and set me in the shower and closed the door for me.

I turned on the water as hot as I could stand it and oh my God it felt good.

I heard Edward laugh. "I heard that. Your other shield looks like it's down again I see or feel." I giggled.

I finally washed up and turned off the water and the door came open and Edward wrapped the towel around me and scooped me up and set me on the bed.

"Bend over so I can dry your hair. I did what he told me. "Oh my dad told me I had to give you this when you woke up your birth control. Up to you though. Asking now I don't care one way or the other. We can wait or we can have one now." He told me.

"Wait!" I told him with a smile. He slowly lifted it. "Poke baby and don't hit me." I giggled when he injected it into my arm.

"It's one thing when you warn me and you're not digging around for something and hurting me." I said with my mind.

He sat back on his knees and looked at me. "So you're telling me you can have shots, but no one can cut you or anything else that hurts you." I just nodded.

"I get it. Now let's get you dressed and do you want your hair up or down?" He asked me. I pointed up and he chuckled. "Up it is. Back to only talking with your mind again I see. Not that I mind and I understand." He told me as he finished up and put my hair into a ponytail.

He scooped me up and took me into the kitchen first and set me on the counter beside the stove and I scooted back against the wall and brought one knee to my chest.

Edward made coffee first and I sensed someone walked into the room.

"Oh good Bella your awake. I have a question for you." When I heard Alice my hands went flat against the counter and my back went against the wall with a noise and I froze up from fear and I saw Edward appear in front of me with his back against me and he gently put his hand against my leg to try and calm me and his other went up into a stop sign.

"Alice you can't come in here. You need to go back out that door now. My mate is not ready for you or anyone else to talk to her." He said.

"Does that include her own family too?" She asked him. "Yes Alice and I do as your brother says and back out to me very slowly because both my daughters shields are down and your brother will hurt you if you get too close because you or even us can hurt Bella right now being too close to her. Once she has a mate her family can't even get close when her shields are down and the only one that can protect her is her mate. He is the only one that can let anyone near her. I'm not explaining the rest until they are married and I can't because there are too many ears. I already said too much to you. Now get out." I heard my father say.

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