Bella wakes up

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      Bella pov

I slowly open my eyes and see someone trying to reach for me. Oh hell no! I jumped up and looked for some where to hide.

I seen like a cubby hole with a sliding door on it. So I moved as fast as I could and got into it.

I couldn't take a chance of the jelly fish men getting to me again. Or any human man for that matter.

I put my hand against the the creak of the door and sealed myself in.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs and buried my head.

      Edward pov

There was a knock on my office door. "Enter!" I told them and it was Jasper.

"Your dad sent me to get you. It would seem the female woke up and sealed herself in the small cubby in your bedroom." He explained to me.

I got up without saying a word and went to my bedroom. "EVERYONE OUT!" Dad snap his head around to me.

"But Edward she needs to be checked out." He told me.

"Not when she is terrified out of her fucking mind. Now leave!" I watched as they all left.

I kneel down to the cubby and put my hand on it.

     Bella pov

I could hear people talking and then all of sudden I felt safe. I didn't understand it.

"EVERYONE OUT!" I open my eyes wide. There was a bunch more talking.

Then I heard nothing but felt something on the door. I put my hand on the door. I pulled back when I felt the shocks. The gift I gave the guy that made me feel safe.

I put my hand back against it again. I let the shocks flow through my body as I close my eyes.

"You can come out now. No one will hurt you." I hesitated but I took my hand and broke the seal.

I slowly slid the door open. That's when I seen the brightest green eyes I've ever seen. He reached his hand out to me.

I slowly took it and he helped me out. "Do you speak?" I tilted my head and started to chew on my bottom as I always did and looked at him confused.

I spoke with my mind first. Only because I felt safe with him.

"Yes I can speak many different languages and with my mind." His eyes grew wide.

"I only talk with my mind if I can feel safe with someone. Plus I don't want no one else to hear me speak. You saved my family?" I asked him.

"Yes we did. But there still sleeping. Do you know who attack you?" I nod my head.

"Can you show me if I show you a picture?" I looked at him confused again. "I don't think you're people would have pictures of these creatures." He chuckled.

"Follow me to my office and you might be surprised." So I followed him to his office.

On his desk I seen a book open to the jelly fish
creatures. I walked up and pointed to the picture.

      Edward pov

"So that's what attack your family and you can remember everything that happened to you?" She nods her head.

"I didn't see my dad and brother get stung. But for some reason it took me longer for me to black out. They tried to change course. But I was able to change it back the way we were going but I changed it to go on the edge of the triangle." She told me

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