Bella comes out of the coma

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       Bella pov

I could feel myself start to wake up and I started to move but it hurt. I was going to scream but I felt instead relief.

"Shh, I got you baby." I relaxed a little more when I heard Edward's voice and I felt his arm around.

I snapped my eyes open and it was dark in here and I remember I had a breathing tube in my mouth.

I was trying to reach out to him because I couldn't see him. Tears fell from my eyes.

I tried to pull him to where I could see him. "Alright, hold on." I saw the light come on and Edward came above me from the right side of me which means he was in bed with me.

"Hey don't cry baby, I'm right here like I promised I would be." He took and wiped some tears from my eyes.

"Hold on and I'm going to call my dad." I nodded but I ended up reaching out for him and he took my hand and I saw him standing up on my left side now talking on a cell phone.

"I got you." He told me. I had a death grip with both of my hands on his hand now and I wasn't letting go either.

Edward looked down at me. For some reason I really couldn't talk with my mind either and I couldn't understand it.

More tears fell and I squeezed my eyes closed. "Are you trying to say something with your mind and you can't?" Edward asked me.

I nodded my head yes. "It's alright baby. It's probably all the medication my dad had to give you. It's understandable." He told me.

I saw Edward look behind him. "You need to let go of my hand baby." I started shaking my head no. "Edward you can just climb in behind her and hold her but make sure her head is on your lap kinda flat." I slowly let go of his hand and I felt the bed move.

Then I felt my head move and I looked up and saw Edwards face above me. He smiled down at me.

"Bella can you look at me please." I move my eyes to Carlisle and he smiles down at me.

"Welcome back! You been out for a week and a half. A little longer than we expected. Part of it is because you slipped into a coma all on your own. I took you off the coma meds 4 days ago but kept you on pain meds and antibiotics." I saw him look over to Edward and I looked up to Edward and he was still looking at me with a smile on his face.

Now I was confused at was going on. "I had to do some repairs to your uterus. You can only carry one child if you do even get pregnant. I got the trackers out. You had 3 trackers in you. But other than that you'll be fine." He told me.

I pointed to my head and looked back up at Edward. "I told her it's probably all the medication, but she wants to know why she can't talk with her mind, dad?" Edward asked.

"It's the medication and you being in the coma for so long. Don't worry about that pretty little face of your sweet heart. You'll be able to again. Now let's get that tube out shall we and I will give you some med's and then Edward will get you cleaned up and if you're up to it, some food inside you." Carlisle told me.

      Edward pov

I tried to leave the room to go make her something to eat but she ended up crying and almost started screaming. So I scooped her up and took her to the kitchen with me.

I sat her on the counter next to me and she pushed herself back against the wall and tipped her head back and closed her eyes.

I guess for now I keep her close to me, until all of the medication wears off and she fully comes out of it. Because I noticed she was still really dazed.

It's not her fault and I'm not blaming her one bit for it. Then I felt someone walk in and I went and stood in front of Bella.

I went into protective mode. "She finally woke I see." I relaxed when I heard Charlie and went back to cooking.

"Yeah, 2 and half hours ago. But now she won't let me out of her sight." I told him. "And you just so happen to go into protection mode." Charlie chuckled.

I turned and Charlie was leaning against the counter drinking a cup of coffee with a smile on his face.

"How far are we from were I needed or should I say my mate wanted to go for clues and we also do some research?" I asked Charlie.

"About a week." He told me. I finally get done with cooking and then Charlie sets the table for me I gently nudge Bella and she slowly opens her eyes up.

"Come here!" She scoots to the edge of the counter and I scooped her up and went to the table and I was going to set Bella down in a chair next to me but she shook her head no.

So I sat down and she leaned against me sideways on my lap with her eyes closed.

"Oh Bella's awake." I heard my sister say and I felt Bella jumped and I wrapped my arm around her and leaned my head down.

"Your safe, I got you." I told her.

       Bella pov

"You guys can't be so loud right now and yes she woke up 2 and half hours ago and she still very tired and weak." Edward told them.

I felt everyone here and all I felt was there love from them. "Has she said anything since she woke up?" Emmett asked.

"No, but that's from all the medication and being in the coma for so long and baby open up." I open my mouth without opening my eyes.

But when I took that first bite my eyes snapped opened and a smile showed up on my face because he made my favorite breakfast that he makes and it's to die for. His French toast with homemade blueberry syrup.

"Somebody's got a big smile on there face." I heard Esme giggled. "Must be your French toast is one of her favorite's." I turned my face into Edwards chest blushing and giggled.

I may of not been able to talk with my mind yet but my god she hit that right on the button.

"Come on baby, you really need to eat." I turn my head and he had the fork ready again and I took the bite.

"Bella, sweet heart." I turned my head and looked at Esme. "The answer to the question you asked me is yes I will be your maid of honor." I smiled so big.

Then I seen the fork in front of me again. I took the bite again. I looked up Edward and smiled.

I think I could get use to this. Then Edward looked down at me confused. "Get used to what?" He asked me. My eyes widen because he or I...

I covered my face with both hands and knew my face was beat red. I felt my hands being lowered and the fork in front of my face again.

I never took my eyes off of Edward as I took the bite and gave him my innocent look and he raised an eyebrow.

Then he gave me a shitty ass grin. "You are so far from innocent baby." He told me with his mind. I just giggled.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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