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      Bella pov

I can't believe we're almost to the base. I'm laying in bed and I just woke up in bed again alone and it's wow 3 in the afternoon.

Well my husband told me to rest so that's what I have been doing.

I have been feeling so much better everyday too. Getting back my strength and back to myself.

It feels amazing too. I'm just staring at the ceiling just resting and taking the time to think while I have a moment to myself. Well sorta.

In the beginning when the 3 of us started we were trying to find where we belong and a place to call home.

For the first time in my life, I feel I belong am this vessel is our home.

Not mainland. We can never live on mainland. Because of me and I know now it's not my fault. but with Edward I can go ashore and enjoy myself now. That's has it's good points.

I gained a sister and a best friend. She may not be blood and she's my protector, but we're so close and we have that incredible bond together.

Esme is so much like a second mother to me and that's what I need the most in my life right now and I love her for it to. Plus we have that amazing relationship where we can tell each other anything. I giggled on that.

Jasper, he took a little bit to come around, but once he did it's like having another big goofy protective brother around. I started laughing.

Carlisle, well he just like an Uncle to me. Even though he's my husband dad. But that's what he feels like to me.

Dad says he feels like a brother and I thought that was right cool.

Alice she is a whole different story right now. I was right though. Edward scared her so bad she does not want to come out of the cell.

Carlisle keeps having to giving her a sedivte now and then to calm her down.

She nows said if I wasn't in his life he wouldn't be worse like this. But what she don't see is what I and everyone else sees in him.

Edward changed in so many ways. He a better person. He has opened his heart to me and my family and his.

He has so much love for me that sometimes it feels overwhelming but amazing at the same because I feel the same way about him with all my heart and soul and so much more of me.

He has opened my heart fully and so much more inside and I cannot be thankful enough to him for it and it makes me love him even more for it everyday.

I see his face above me now and I smiled his favorite. "Can I help you?" He gives me my favorite smile and I see and feel such love from him.

"I love you so much baby." He pressed his lips to mine and deepens the kiss and we show how much we love each other, by touching each other and made love slow and so much love for each other.

We just laid there holding each just basking in the after glow not saying a word to each other and just feeling each other.

It was nice just to do this and I fell back asleep.

      Edward pov

I felt Bella fall back asleep on top of. I wasn't going to move.

When I heard Bella thinking like that I just had to come to the room and show her what that meant to me.

I quirk an eye brow. She has a dog that can breathe water and has abilities and powers.

It's with her brother and it's just a little over a year old.

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