finding something to help the pain

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     Edward pov

I woke up the next morning and Bella was still sound asleep. I gently kissed the top of her head and slowly got up.

I grabbed my clothes and jumped into the shower. I made sure I left the door open a crack so if Bella woke up she knew where I was in here.

But once I was dressed and I checked on her she was still out cold. I leaned down and gently kissed her forehead.

"Sleep baby!" I told her as I stood back up and walked out. I went and checked on everything and then walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee.

"How is Bells?" Charlie asked me. "Sleeping." I told him. "I didn't get to ask you this last night but how did she end up in your room?" He asked me.

"She called out for me and I went to her and she told me she needed to be with me. I carried her to my room and somehow I took some of her pain away." I wasn't going to tell him how either. That was between me and her.

"I guess that's good then." He said as I poured another cup of coffee. "Anything else?" I asked him. "Can I see her?" He asked me. "Sure go ahead." I told him.

I walked out and into my office as I sat down there was a knock on the door. I looked up and it was Jasper.

"Is that the damage report?" I asked him. "Yeah we have everything on board to fix it. Umm, a question, what about the guys you have locked up?" My eyes widen.

"I forgot about them. There spy's for Riley they made our ship go off course. Bella figured that out." I told him.

"So what do I do with them?" He asked again. "Come with me!" I hit the button on the speaker.

"Emmett stop making out with Rosey and meet us down in the lower deck." I told him.

"He's making out with my sister?" Jasper asked me. "Yep caught them both in the act a couple days ago." I told him. Jasper just laughed.

"Anyone that can handle my sister must be something then." He said. We walked to the door I had them locked in the engine room.

Emmett walks up beside us. "Finally going to do something with these characters?" Emmett asked.

"Yeah, I'm thinking about sending back out towards that storm in one of those speed boats and let nature take it's course." I told him.

"Your dad going to have to sedate them." Jasper said. I nodded and I open the door.

Emmett grabbed two of the guys and I did the same and Jasper grabbed the last one.

We took them to the hospital part of the ship and tied them to the poles.

"Hey dad, I got a few guys out here for your cocktail." I smiled because my dad made a drug so humans didn't remember anything.

My dad walks out with a tray. "Who's first?" He asked with a smile on his face. Once dad also sedated them we wheeled them down to the inside dock and put them in one of the speed boats. Emmett followed me out.

I stopped just on the edge of the storm I climbed into the other speed boat and leaned over and pushed the throttle all the way up and hurried up and let go.

"Head back!" I told Emmett. "Now we don't have to worry about them." Emmett said.

"AARRRRGGGHHH! DAADDDYY IT HHUURRTTSS SSOO BBAADDD!" I snapped my head up to the ship. "Shit, she woke up." I said.

     Bella pov

I couldn't help from screaming. I woke up in so much pain I curled up into a ball with my arms wrapped around my stomach.

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