needing her own space

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       Bella pov

As I was in the shower I leaned my head against the wall and just let the hot water hit me.

I couldn't understand Edward right now. But I needed my space and own room too.

I don't know him and it's not right for me to be in his room. For one he's a god damn man.

But I had to figure out what was going on with me. My shield is down and this in itself was not good.

It makes me weak with my powers trying to advance but for some reason it can't and what was that surge about?

I just shake my head and finish my shower and get dressed.

I open the door and Edward was still sitting by the door but this time he had his head buried and it looked like he was sleeping.

I tilted my head and chew on the bottom of my lip and just watched him. His hair was a mess and the color was like a copper color. But he was well built and had a tan.

His breathing was slow and relaxed which told me he was actually a sleeping.

I finally just shake my head and looked out the port hole and noticed it was dark again.

I set my stuff down and walked to the door. I looked down at Edward. I just need some fresh air.

So I walked out and closed the door quietly. I made my way upstairs and noticed it was still raining and I grabbed one of the rain jackets that were hanging up and put it on. I never put the hood on.

       Edward pov

I woke up and lifted my head and noticed the bathroom door was open and I looked at the bed and Bella wasn't in it. But I didn't feel like she was any danger. I was confused by this new feeling.

I could feel like she was somewhere outside. So I got up and went up to the deck and I stopped at the doorway when I saw her.

It was still raining out and you could see the lighting in the sky. At least we were out of the hurricane.

What was up with her slipping things out and me finding it so easy to talk to her.

Yeah we're friends I guess. But she keeps pushing me away for some reason now.

     Bella pov

Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Edward walk up beside me with a rain jacket on.

"So where are you taking my ship?" He asked me. "Some where it's kinda of safe. Well for me anyways. Haven't been there since I was a much younger though." I told him.

"Oh! You don't have to tell me if you don't want to tell me." He told me.

"Well not exactly why and it's a hidden cave that has it's own shield. Very small island that's not on any map. But it be rough getting there though." I told him.

That's when he turned his head and looked at me. "What do you mean rough getting there?" He asked me.

"Have you ever seen on a radar where there's nothing but storms over the ocean?" I wasn't going to tell him where because there were to many ears in the ocean.

I pointed to my ears and then to the ocean never looking at him.

He gave me a confused look. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I pointed up to the bridge and I turned around and started walking to the bridge and walked up the stairs.

I hugged my dad before I walked over to my laptop my dad had up here.

I typed in for a world radar. Then I pointed to it. Edward was going to say something and I covered his mouth with my hands.

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