chapter 43

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      Bella pov

I stomped my foot. I really wanted coffee too. "A little busy here!" Edward told me with his mind.

This really sucked. I had to suffer because of fucking Alice and I couldn't go near her.

I started punching the air and stumping my feet at the same time and I sensed someone walking towards the kitchen and I waved my hands and I made sure I put some strength behind it.

Edward May of put a damper on my powers on my powers but I was building and it wasn't good at all because I had nothing to take it out on.

My dad and Emmett ran in. "Oh, dad if she don't release that rage soon we're all in trouble." Emmett told dad.

I snapped my head around to them. "You think and Edward is got to be focused on something right this minute. He has control of my abilities and powers but that's not helping. The more I think how Alice is fucking me over and how I have to suffer like times now." I pointed to the coffee maker with both hands to make my point.

"So make a pot of coffee for yourself like you always do." Emmett said.

"I tried and I can't." I stomped my foot. "Why?" Emmett asked. "The coma messed me up really bad and I won't be able to eat your cooking either because Edward makes his food differently from you and uses certain types of spices and stuff because of my texture issues too." I lowered my head and fell back against the counter and now I was upset and crying and I had my face buried in my hands.

I felt Edward pulled me against him and pull me into his arms.

"I'm done and it's not your fault and at least you can eat the foods you couldn't eat before if you think about." He told me.

He was right but it didn't help me. I was building and I couldn't do nothing about it or can I. Tanya! I thought.

"You get one hit and no powers. That's after she's touches me like we planned and you have the right baby!" He told me and I put that new smile on my face and looked at my dad and Emmett.

"Look at that new smile on my sister face. Her husband just gave her permission to hit someone." Emmett started laughing.

"Do you even know what you just did Edward?" Emmett asked him. "Oh, I know alright and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it too. Plus I'm going to kiss my wife right in front of her to." Edward told.

"Oh, hell dad we have to be there to see that one." Emmett said.

"Oh you'll be there along with Rose my wife's protector." Edward told them.

"No way! My mates my sister's protector. That's fucking cool." Emmett said.

"Yeah the minute my wife gave Rose her memories back that's when we both sensed it. I have a shield up around the kitchen just to tell you guys." Just then the alarm went off and Edward tapped into my shield and I felt both of our shields wrap around the vessel.

"I need you two to go up to the bridge and let me know when we're close to the end of the point of the auto pilot please. I have to make my wife dinner and a pot of coffee for her." He picked me up and set me up on the counter and showed me what he did to the panel on the inside of the bedroom.

I slid back against the wall and put one knee up and laid my head back against the wall and closed my eyes.

I relaxed my around my  knee and the other one just laid on my leg.

"Son are we going to stay at the house when we go back to the base?" I heard Esme asked and I tensed up.

Edward put his hand on my leg. "You guys can. My wife can't stay on mainland and the vessel is our house now. Alice is to go into the special cell back at the base. I'm going to set up a special cell for Alice on the vessel for when we leave again. But it would be good you guys go and stay at the house so I can focus what I have to work on the vessel. When I'm not focused on that or here then I will have them work on it." Edward explained to her.

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