chapter 44

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      Edward pov

We finally got up and showered and got dressed after a incredible morning.

Yeah it was a very nice morning and I think your going to get that beautiful new smile of her face any time soon.

We walked to the kitchen first and I made coffee first.

Then only problem was she stuck to me like damn glue. I don't mind though.

Gives me a reason to touch her in some way. "Are you guys.." would you get a load these 2 Rose." Charlie said.

"I see that Charlie. They have a glow to them this morning don't they. Just standing there lending against the counter with his arm around her and she got that new smile on her face and they're drinking coffee like there no care in the world except them." Bella and I turned and looked at them except this time I have my crooked smile on my face.

"This person in my arms is the most important person in my life right now and I love her with all my heart and soul. So forgive me if I take a moment just not caring about what's going on around us and soaking up my wife damn it." I leaned over and gently kissed her neck and stood back up.

"I really like this Edward. He not so grumpy anymore." Rose said and I started laughing.

I did use to be really grouchy and snappy. I didn't like anyone around me at all.

Now I got the love of my life wrapped in my arms and my family is in my life now.

"You ready baby?" She nodded. "Now stay close to me and Rose will all be by your side no matter what and you can also spend time with your dad or mom just make sure Rose is with you,got it and you know I have control over you know what." She salutes me.

She was so excited about this. This has been a long time coming for her and I hope she gets to enjoy today.

      Bella pov

I was actually having fun and it felt good. Even though a few guys try to approach me and Rose scared them away.

Edward was getting the groceries and taking it back to the vessel and then coming back.

Everyone else, but Emmett and Alice were here.

Then I got this bad feeling about that one boat and it was here.

I got as close as I could get to Rose. "What is it Bella?" Rose asked me. "A bad feeling and it has something to about that boat that was just there." My head shot up.

"Oh my God! They only become active when we port." I said.

Rose's head snapped up. "That's not good. That's means that's a total different type of tracker." She pulled out her phone and held me tight against her.

She was also scooping out the area. Edward was the only one that can get it into the vessel right now.

So we were stuck. My head shot up and whipped around and that's when I recognized him.

The guy that trapped me in the employee bathroom. Oh he didn't lose all his memories. He knows me. I know that look.

I started tapping Rose's back to get her attention and she looked down at me and I only nudge my head in the direction the guy was and she was still was.

"Oh this isn't good Edward. It's one of the guys you cocktail that worked for you on the vessel and he's watching Bella like he knows her." Rose turns us around to go the other way.

"What do you fucking mean your back on the vessel?" Rose snapped out.

"I don't fucking care you had to take of the food." Rose stopped in her tracks.

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