chapter 45

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      Bella pov

We walked up to the bridge and that's when I saw the boat and I tilted my head and I sensed 2 humans on board.

"There are only 2 humans on board that boat. I think the ones that know me." I said.

"You, guys stay here. I'm going to go have dad make me some cocktails and sneak aboard and let's say they won't know what hit them." Edward gave me a kiss.

"Whatever you do, do not leave the bridge because I have to drive that boat back to the dock and swim back here and we got to get the hell out of here." I just nod my head.

All I could do is watch. I was terrified and frozen in place. I couldn't move even if I wanted to.

I was afraid if I did leave the bridge with Edward off the vessel something would happen.

It always happens to now when he's not so close to me or he has to go away from the vessel.

I heard my dad and Rose blocked both doors ways all of a sudden.

I moved only my eyes to search because I sense a human snuck on as soon as Edward left the vessel and he was right under the water.

The sneaky bastard was scuba diving swimming here. So there was 3 of them.

Oh my God that's Riley. "Dad, Riley was under the water swimming here and he's climbing the latter on the side of the vessel and he never saw my husband leave." I told him in a whisperer.

"Little fucker thought he could be sneaky did he. Rose back up inside the bridge now and shut the door and I'm going to do the same and we are all 3  going to hide but make sure you lock the doors. He said in a whisperer.

I slowly got down and I seen the tiny cup board beneath the table and crawled into it and shut the door.

I need to seal this door damn it. "Do it baby!" I smiled and slammed my hand against the door and my hand turned red and the whole door turned red except this time it welded me in.

"Oops!" I said with my mind. That's was a little to much umphs. I thought.

Well he can't get to me. I was laughing in my head.

Then I jumped when I heard him at one of the doors.

Then he went to the other and tried. Then I heard the big window break.

Oh this isn't very good. I covered my mouth and then I heard fighting and then it went outside of the bridge.

I couldn't get out of here now even if I tried to unseal it myself. I think I had a little help or this power upgraded at the same time.

I tipped my head back as my eyes rolled back and everything went black.

       Edward pov

Oh fucking great, she just fucking passed out. That fucking power upgraded to just when she used it too.

When she said oops I knew she did something different with the seal and now she blacked out.

I know I have the power now but I have to tap into her power to get her out now.

The minute I leave damn vessel something gotta fucking happen.

Before I even take my wife out, I got to cocktail that guy and take him ashore and then get us out of here and back on course before I can even take her out.

I'm going to be so drained. Once I got that Rial guy cocktailed and snuck him back ashore some where I quickly swam back and went back to the bridge and focus on a course and steered the vessel Manuel with both our shields up until we were a safe distance that I could set the auto pilot and I slapped my hand against the cubby door and tapped into her power at the same time and unwelded the little door and pulled her into my arms and took her to our room and laid her down first and went and set everything on the panel and turned off the damn speaker.

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