chapter 25

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     Bella pov

After Edward fed me he took me back to his room because I fell back to sleep on him.

I was still really weak and tired. I started to wake up again.

I felt my hair being tucked behind my ear. "How are you feeling baby?" Edward asked me.

"Sore, weak and still tired." I told him opening my eyes and looking up into his.

"But not like I was this morning though. But I still don't want to be left alone yet." I told him.

"Then I won't leave you alone. You will come with me so I can make you some lunch." He told me. I smiled.

"Some coffee too?" I asked him. He smiled his crooked smile. "Yes! Coffee too." He got up and got dressed and helped me get dressed and then carried me to the kitchen.

He started a pot of coffee. "What do you want for lunch?" He asked me. I thought for a second.

"Do you have the stuff to make mushroom, bacon cheese burger?" He stood up and froze up.

"Was it something I said?" I asked. "Do you know that's one of my favorite burgers?" He asked me. I smirked.

"That's funny because that's one of my sis favorites meals." Emmett says as he's walks in.

Edward turned around and looked at me. I gave him my innocent look and he shook his head. "Far from it!" He says chuckling.

"I guess I make mushroom, bacon cheese burger and fries for lunch for everyone. Here's your coffee and try to behave." I smiled taking my first drink of my coffee.

"Oh dad asked me if you got that list done yet? Were a day away from the island." Emmett asked.

"The list for our wedding?" I asked Edward with my mind.
"Yes and other stuff too baby." He told me.

"Oh she's talking with her mind again." Emmett says. "She also talks to me to. She's just not ready to talk to anyone else yet." Edward told him.

"Why not sis? I'm your own brother." He was trying to walk up to me and I dropped the coffee cup and scooted back to the wall and cover my head and screamed out as I lifted my hand up and threw it back and pushed it forward and heard a loud thoud.

"What the hell is going on in here?" I heard my dad asked.

"Emmett tried to approach Bella, even after I told him she wasn't ready to talk to anyone yet and he still refused and approached her because he thought because since he was family she should be able to be talk to him and he scared the hell out of her and she threw him." Edward explained to my dad.

"Emmett what the hell were you thinking? Edward told you this morning the same damn thing. Just because you're her brother doesn't give you the right. He his her mate damn it and he feels more then we do." My dad told him.

"But dad she's my sist.." Then I heard Emmett get hit on the back of the head.

"Go back to work on the engines and I don't want to hear another word about that she's your sister. Do you understand me?" My dad demanded.

"Yes sir!" Then it got quiet. "I'm sorry Edward. Emmett used to it being the 3 of us when something like this happens and he can't feel her like you can." My dad told him.

"I understand." Edward told him. "Oh, just give me the list when your done with it." My dad told him.

"Baby there gone." I slowly look up at him and he held up his arms and I scooted up and wrapped my arms around him.

"It's okay. I know it's a lot to take in and things are different now. But we'll get through this together." He told me.

"Green and white!" I told him. "Green and white what?" He asked me. "Flowers! For our wedding. Here I will show you and sorry." I got on my knees and put both my hands on each sides of his face and press my forehead against his and close my eyes and show him a island with and flowered arched of green and white flowers on the beach and other stuff but not the dresses and we screamed out in pain.

"Again with the mind fucking thing." I gave him my innocent look because I was still on the counter and he was on the floor now.

"I said I was sorry in advance, but I had to show you." I started to giggle. He snapped his head to look at me and then smirked at me.

"But yet again you still didn't show me the dress." He told me. I shook my head.

"Cook!" I pointed. He got up and kissed me on the cheek and chuckled.

Then I seen a cup of coffee in front of me again.

Then I seen Esme walk in. "Sundress! Green and white are the colors." I told her with my mind.

She stopped in her tracks. Then smiled. "Barefoot of course." Edward turned around and looked at his mother then looked at me and I hid my smirk behind my cup of coffee.

"Okay, that makes 2 people your talking to now." He said. "Only wedding stuff my dear son. She just told me what my dress should be and colors. That's all." Edward turned and looked at her and Esme had a smirk on her face.

"Bella when your up to it. Probably in a day or 2. We need to make adjustments to your dress." Edward turned and looked at me as I smiled and just nodded.

"Call when lunch is ready son." I turned and looked at Edward and he had a shitty ass grin on his face.

"You already have a dress!" He said as a statement. "Yep! It was my grandma Swan's wedding dress." I smirked and I took a drink of my coffee.

Then I seen Edward step in front of me. "You know if I didn't already know you the way I do, I say you like the simple things. So how would you say we stay on this island a few days just me and you for our honeymoon and I have your dad pick up a tent and a couple sleeping bags." I smiled.

"Make it a week and you got a deal. Wedding and honeymoon here we come." Edward started laughing.

"You know it's not for 2 weeks right?" He asked me. "I know! It just gives me enough time to rest up and get my dress ready." I told him.

"So are you moving back into your room?" He asked me as he went back to making lunch.

"On that, I don't think I can handle being by myself anymore. If it's alright with you I like to move into your room with you, because I'm scared of being alone." Edward was back in front of me.

He gently lifted my chin up so he could look me in the eyes.

"Since when?" He asked me. "Since I woke up from my coma. I don't know how to explain it. It's like I need you close for now. I know it will get better, but I will always need you close at the end of the day because I need to feel you, feel your skin." I reach for him and underneath his shirt to touch his skin.

"It's different somehow. I feel different. I really don't know how to explain it. But we're different from everyone else including our family. I don't know how but I can feel it and this island were going to and being married on will have the answers we need. That's why I asked for a week instead of a couple days. There's a cave there we need to go to." I jumped when I seen my dad behind Edward.

"You know?" My dad asked. "I known since I woke up from my coma." I told him.

"What are you guys talking about?" Edward asked us. Dad and I looked at each other. "Put your shield up Bells." I closed my eyes and put a shield up around the kitchen as my dad shut the door.

"You better finish up lunch first because your going to want to hear this." My dad said.

"Hear what? Tell me what? I promise not to get angry here but I am getting frustrated so give me some clue of what is going on here?" Dad and I looked at each other.

"You guys are the true king and queen of the ocean world." I heard Edward gasp.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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