chapter 46

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      Bella pov

Edward was between my legs and I was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed that had bars going from ceiling to floor on all four sides.

He had his arms wrapped around me and his face buried in my neck.

I had my arms wrapped around him and scratching the back of his head and the side of my head was leaning against his.

I knew he felt my pain but I was also comforting him at the same time.

Jasper made him furious and Rose blocked some of his senses of me in danger and that hurt him.

It wasn't his fault. "The fuck it wasn't!" He growled out. "Stop! Rose was protecting me and I pissed him off, end of story. Hear me!" I told him.

"I hear you. But let's get one thing straight. No one and I mean no one calls my wife a bitch. Even though sometimes you can be one, but, no one, not even me will call you a bitch." I giggled and kissed him on the cheek.

"I can really be a bitch sometimes." Edward chuckled and started kissing my neck and I smacked the back of his head and pushed him away.

"I'm down babying now." I glared at him.
He laughed at me and tried to come at me again and I pushed him away again.

"No!" I told him and his dad walked in just at that moment.

"I take it you need X-rays again?" I pointed to Edward and gave him the behave you look. He put his hands up in surrender and Carlisle chuckled as he handed me scrubs and I went into the bathroom and changed and walked into the X-ray room and when I was done I went and changed back into my clothes and walked over to Edward and leaned against him and buried my face into his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist and he leaned his chin on top of my head and wrapped his arms around my waist as we waited for his dad to walk back out.

"Nothing broken, but I can give you a pain shot if want." Carlisle said.

"FUCK NO!" I snapped out as I tightened my arms around Edward.

No more fucking medication. Tears started falling from my eyes and I climbed Edward like a damn monkey and wrapped my legs and arms around him like my life depended on it.

Don't do it. I don't want. I will find a way to fucking hide or I will fight like hell.. Edward stopped me.

"Alright baby, calm down. No more medicine if you don't want it. At least right now. I won't let anyone. Dad she's not going to take anything unless she has to now and I'm not going to make her either." I felt a hand on my back and I tensed up afraid.

"Shh, baby he's not going to give you anything. Want some coffee?" I just nodded my head.

Edward set me on the counter in the kitchen and gave me a cup of coffee. "Don't break that one." I smirked as I sat on the edge and jumped down and went and sat down at the table.

I saw Esme sit down at the table across from me. "You, know my dear you can burn all my clothes after I give you all my sizes and credit card and order me all my new clothes and under garments and have them delivered to the house for when we get there." I leaned forward.

"How about I let you burn your stuff and I get to pick out your scuba suit?" I asked her. She leaned forward.

"Deal!" Then a smile goes on boths on our faces at the time.

"I will even give you my husband sizes and I will let Rose sneak you Jasper sizes to and let her help you pick her twin brother's stuff out too, even all of Alice's." She told me. I pointed my finger at her a gave her a shitty ass grin.

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