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We ended up at our favourite ramen place downtown. Quinn knew me no matter what the situation was and exactly what food I needed to comfort me. I felt a bit bad that I was needing so much take out but I also was too overwhelmed to do anything about it. 

Once we left the coffee shop, my thoughts all came rushing to me and I had to turn on the chill station in the BMW to help gather my mind. I could tell Quinn instantly wanted to fire questions at me but she also knew when the right time to ask was.

So we sat there at a small table, slurping up some ramen. I managed to get a few bites in before I felt my best friend's intense stare on me. I met her gaze and smiled softly. 

"Okay, you can ask." I chuckled as she looked like she was about to burst. Quinn wasn't a very patient person but she was doing well on my account.

"What the hell happened?! You looked like you were going to be sick or something!"

I chuckled, my mood brightened from the delicious ramen. "I have to sign an NDA. And she kissed the back of my hand. And she gave me a metal bank card."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. One thing at a time, man!" Quinn waved a hand as if physically it was too much for her to handle. I loved her dramatic antics.

"Okay so first was the NDA." I ate some more as I thought of what to say. "I can't say anything about her to anybody then we decided this was going to be more of a romantic arrangement rather so she's getting a new one written up."

"Whoa." Quinn said softly. "So pretty much you'll be paid to date her?"

I shrugged. "I suppose so. It works for both of us since she seems to be really into me. She even offered to pay me more."

"And how much more are you asking?"

I gave her a slightly confused look. "I didn't want more."

Quinn shook her head with a smile. "Idiot."

"She's offering $10,000 per date. As a minimum with gifts and trips on top."

Quinn dropped her chopsticks in her bowl with a look of pure shock on her face. "Seriously?! Damn. My sugar daddy is only giving me a grand per date but the ones with sex is more."

We were silent for a moment as we ate more of our food. It was a lot of money for one date. I couldn't believe she would give me so much just to have a date with me. It seemed too good to be true and it made me a bit uneasy at the thought of even a date a month would make me more money than I could have ever hoped to working in the customer service industry.

"So," Quinn started. "She gave you a bank card?"

I nodded before I went into the purse she lent me and pulled out the sleek black metal item. I handed it to her and saw her eyebrows raise. 

"What?" I inquired with a bit of confusion. 

"This isn't just any bank card." Quinn started. "These cards only given to people with over tens of millions of dollars. Not only that, you have to be invited to get one. My parents have wanted to get one for years but they don't make that much. Looking at it, she gave you the "dependent" card. It essentially was designed for parents to give their kids a bank account that they can deposit money directly into from their account. It's easier and more secure than an e-transfer and allows for larger amounts."

"How do you know all of this?" I was shocked at how much she knew about a simple card.

"My parents mentioned the dependent card once so I looked into it for days to see how I could get my parents to get the card. I was a bit depressed when I found out they didn't make enough. Which I still think is ridiculous because they make a lot of money." Quinn huffed as I smiled at her little rant. 

EDITING My Sugar Momma {Lesbian Story}Where stories live. Discover now