twenty three

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My alarm went off and I grabbed my phone and turned it off with my eyes still closed. I was beginning to regret of drinking so much with Quinn while crying over Layla and whoever she was in love with. Then again, it was pretty therapeutic. The alcohol forced me to cry until there were no tears left. Plus, going to see Aliyah to get more information on the mystery girl, I needed all the tears cried out so I would hopefully deal with it a bit better. 

Quinn had already left for class so I went into one of our shared closets to pick out a casual outfit. I didn't put nearly as much effort in but as soon as I looked in my reflection, that decision quickly changed. 

My eyes were puffy and red from all the crying, skin was dull and dark bags under my eyes. I looked like I had just spent the night crying over Layla. One look from Aliyah and she'd know exactly how heartbroken I was. 

After putting on just enough makeup to hide the obvious signs, I finished getting ready and headed out. The drive to the dealership wasn't long and luckily I was distracted by a good song that played. However, once I parked, I say Aliyah come out with a smile and a wave. 

I walked up to her with the best smile I could muster. My mood was incredibly down but I had to try to fake it as much as possible to get the details of Layla's long time love. 

"Hey, Ali!" I smiled as I approached her. 

"There's a great little café close to here. We'll go there then take a stroll through the park nearby. How about it?" Aliyah's suggestion seemed good and calm. Walking would probably help me too. 

Once we had our hot drinks and approached the park, the small talk seemed to have ended.

"I'm guessing you want the details on Layla's true princess?" Aliyah's brow was lifted, giving the look that she had seen through me.

I gave a nervous giggle, trying to seem curious rather than heartbroken. "Yeah. I can't help but wonder who she is."

"I hear ya. I unfortunately don't know much other than it's someone she's known for a long time but they don't talk much." She paused to take a bite of her bagel. "I actually ran into them when they left a club after Layla broke things off with me a couple years ago. I just saw a petite sweet girl and Layla's look on her face. I had never seen someone look so in love before."

My appetite was shrinking so much that even the sip of my cappuccino to hide my expression seemed to make me feel a bit sick. A petite girl... definitely wasn't me. I had gained the freshmen fifteen with Quinn except mine was fifty pounds. I used to be small, a hundred pounds soaking wet kinda thing but then Quinn and I found our love for fast food while we started working and Quinn started medical school. So fifteen pounds for Quinn and fifty for me. It sucked but I was still the same size, the weight disrupting quite nicely and keeping toned from the job I had at the restaurant. 

But Layla... was into petite women? The thought hurt more with my low self esteem. Damn.

Aliyah continued. "Enjoy your time with Layla though. The good thing about her is that she pays the best even if it's only for a few months."

I nodded. "When will I know?" 

Aliyah turned to me then nodded, understanding what I was asking. "Layla did a couple thing before she finally dumped me. One, lack of sex. As you know, Layla can go for hours but leading up to when she dumped me, she would only go for a round or two before she'd say she's tired and ended the date."

This conversation was getting worse for me than I expected it to be. We never went more than one round, even from the first time. It was weird because in the past, I always wanted more when I started having sex in a new relationship. And although I was always wanting more from Layla, I never pushed. Layla already didn't show that she wanted more so to me it seemed that I was already getting to the end of our relationship. 

"What was the second thing?" The words left my mouth before my brain could stop it. I wanted to know but I also didn't. I wanted to know what to expect but I also didn't want to accept if the end was quickly approaching. 

"When Layla's seeing her, she acts different. Nicer to everyone rather than just being professional and sales somehow go up that week." Aliyah explained. 

Another question came to mind. "How often do they see each other?"

Aliyah finished the last bite of her bagel before answering. "I was only dating Layla for four months then she gave me this job. Since then I've only seen her act like that a couple times. Right after I saw them at the club then about a few weeks ago. I mean she could have seen her more but those were the really clear times."

Even though Layla and I began dating a few weeks ago, I definitely didn't know her a couple years ago. Only an idiot wouldn't remember meeting someone like Layla. The obvious fact that I wasn't her "true princess" made me incredibly upset. 

"Did Layla ever say things to you that... maybe meant she liked you more than a sugar baby?" I asked Aliyah in a soft tone, avoiding eye contact as I looked at some geese that were grazing in the grass nearby. 

"What do you mean?" Her question made me cringe a bit, I didn't want to say it otherwise it'd be obvious. But I had no choice if I wanted the answer.

"Like... did she ever say she loved you?"

Aliyah was silent for a few moments so I finally turned to see her, looking ahead with a blank expression. "She really said that to you?"

"Yeah." I could feel the tears that were threatening to surface but I tried my best to keep them back. I felt that Aliyah felt bad for me which only made the feeling worse. 

Aliyah finally scoffed dryly. "How could I have been so stupid?" Her voice was so quiet, I thought I heard her wrong. 

"Huh?" I sounded in hopes she'd repeat what she said. 

Aliyah turned to me with a smile, though it was a bit different than before. It faded as her expression turned serious. "Listen, Brielle. One thing you need to know is that Layla has secrets, lots of them."

Her phone call when we were in her office came to mind again. "What kind of secrets?" 

Aliyah turned back ahead as we walked. "Different ones. Mostly money, stalking and illegal stuff."

"Illegal?" I repeated with a tone that clearly showed how shocked I was.

Aliyah turned back with her brows furrowed. "How long have you been Layla's sugar baby?"

"A few weeks." I answered without giving her question much thought. 

"Then you wouldn't know just yet." She said then turned back. What didn't I know? I already knew about Layla's true princess but now there was more I had to eventually find out? My head began to hurt again and I was beginning to feel the heat of frustration. 

"Can you tell me please?" My voice cracked and I pressed my lips together and turned away in embarrassment. 

Aliyah was quiet for a few moments. "It took me until I had been working at the dealership for a year to figure it out. It's not something she'll just come out and say to you so you should keep that in mind."

"Okay." I acknowledged so she could continue and tell me what I wanted to know. 

"I don't have any solid proof since she's smart and covers her tracks but... I know for a fact that Layla has ties with the mafia. In fact, I think she's a mafia boss."

My feet stopped as I stared at her for a moment. "....what?"

Sorry but it's a short update this week my lovelies 💕

EDITING My Sugar Momma {Lesbian Story}Where stories live. Discover now