Wedding Crasher

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Will POV:

I rub my face nervously as I pace back and forth on the dressing room. Ki leans on a wall, checking his messages. Thomas is hooking up his phone to some speakers so he can play music and "pump me up" or whatever. I guess he's trying to help melt the nervousness away. Percy watches all the commotion around the room with an amused expression on his face. And Dylan looks in the mirror, making himself look pretty. He seems to be pretty pleased with himself because he finally announces, "Well, I look devilishly handsome."

Thomas turns some music on, muttering, "And your humbleness is bloody overwhelming."

Dylan sits down on the counter and grins, "I know. That's one of my better attributes. That and I'm so sensitive."

I snort, laughing. Dylan glares at me, raising an eyebrow. Thomas chuckles, "Friendly reminder that we cannot beat each other up for a few hours. We are at a wedding. And we will have to go out there looking nice, and we can't do that if we have blood on our tuxs."

"Friendly reminder?" Ki laughs, "Thomas, you're like the most violent out of all of us."

I shake my head, snapping out of the conversation. I mutter, shaking my head, "Coffee. I need coffee."

Dylan looks at me squinting, "Dude, you've already had five cups! I don't think you need MORE coffee. Coffee is obviously not helping- it's making you more nervous!"

I shake my finger at him, "Do not worry about my coffee consumption - worry about what I would do without it."

Dylan opens his mouth but Percy stops him, "Stand down, Dylan. He's bigger than you. It would take precisely 5.0 seconds for him to kill you."

Dylan stands, striking a defensive pose, "But what you don't know is that I'm secretly a ninja!"

Percy pats my back, "I'll get you some more coffee."

He walks out of the room to head to the coffee bar that the church we're getting married in has. Dylan plops down on the couch Thomas has found to lounge on, "So, I was thinking, when you get back from your honeymoon and stuff, you know, when you and Sidney are a little less mushy gushy and whatever, we should have a guy night. We haven't had one in forever, and I have a great need for a dart tournament."

Ki looks at him, judgmental, "Excuse me, good sir, we will be playing Halo."

Dylan waves it off, "Whatever. But it must be done. We must have a guy night."

I shrug, "Sounds fine by me, but I'm about to get married. I'm not really going to be available for a guy night anytime soon. I'll be in Sydney for two weeks."

Dylan turns to me slowly, wiggling his eyebrows, "I bet you will."

It suddenly occurs to me how very innaproprate that sounded and I feel my cheeks taint pink as my mouth falls open, "That's not what I meant!"

Dylan, Ki and even Thomas fall over with laughter, till they start crying.

I stutter, "That's.....ugh, that's not what I meant."

Toms shoulders shake from laughter, "That was good! That was really good!"

I groan, "Oh, my gosh. Australia! I'll be in Australia for two weeks!"

Dylan grins, mischievously, "But we all know you really mean what you first said."

I walk over to Dylan and Ki and push their shoulders, "Okay, everyone out. The groom needs some time to himself - go annoy someone else."

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