At The Sangsters

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I double check all the bags, still feeling exaughsted. Waking up early has not become my thing anymore. The last two months, at least, have been the happiest of my life. Karla has gotten bigger and stronger. The older she gets the more I think she's starting to look like me - even though she definitely has her Dads eyes.

Will and I have grown closer too. We're happier. Not that we were unhappy before, but now we're better than we were. Will has had a hard time leaving Karla and going to work. I totally understand that. I don't think I'll go back to work. I think I'll stay here with Karla. It would be too hard leaving her everyday.

But with Will just finishing his most recent movie, he has been looking/waiting for another job opportunity. And this comes to why we're up so early. We're heading to Louisiana to Iris and Thomas' house. There's a audition for a show going on there and Will is going to try out. He really wants this job and I hope he gets it. But no matter how much he wants the job, he still dislikes having to wake up so early in the morning to get there.

Will walks into the living room, his clothes looking wrinkled and his hair tussled. He groans, "Too early."

I groan back, mocking him, "It's your job interview. Be happy!"

He grumbles, "I'm up. If you want me bright eyed and bushy tailed, go catch a squirrel."

I smirk, "Maybe I will."

He gives me a fake condescending look, "Nuh-uh, I'm Will."

I laugh, "Okay, I'm going to go get Karla. You want to double check the bags?"


"Do it anyway."

"Okay." He walks over to the bags, riffeling through them.

I climb upstairs, sneaking into Karla's room. I decorated her room in an adventure theme. There's a poster of the world map over her cradle, and I got silhouettes of our family done to hang on her wall, along with a print out of the quote "Adventure is out there!" From Disneys movie UP.

She has a globe and a pretty white bookcase. I made a small shelving system out of crates and put a record player on it and animal figurines in it. Plus a chest of drawers and a mothers chair in the corner. But I was very proud of how I decorated her room - it seemed to suit our family well.

I poke my head over the side of the crib and find Karla sleeping peacefully. I sigh, looking at her. She takes those quick little baby breaths that remind you of a small little mouse or something. I laid her down in a little gray and pink dress that makes her blue eyes look smokey and lighter when she's awake.

I smile softly down at her before picking her up carefully, cradleing her head. She shifts around a little, her lips puckering. I hold her close to me, carrying her down the stairs and into the living room where we have our bags packed. Wills sees me as I enter the room with Karla and he stands, looking at the sleeping baby in my arms.

He smiles, kissing her for head softly before he gives me a lingering kiss. I sigh into the kiss before I pull away, "Got to get Karla in her car seat and get on the road."

He groans, grabbing my arm and pulling me back, "Nooooo, one more kiss. It has to be a good one."

"But we need to leave-" I start.

He cuts me off, "That can wait. And besides, kissing is much more fun than driving."

I chuckle.

He grins, "Kiss me."

I lean in, kissing him again. Again, I get that similar sensation that i did with the first kiss and every kiss after that, of not being able to breath, having my heart hitch in my throat and hearing the pounding in my ears.

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