A Sizable Inheritance

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I wake up to the sound of pounding on my door. Three loud knocks. I sit up in bed and throw the covers off. I start to the front door.

I've been without Will for five months. Been at school for four. Classes are great. My relationship with Will isn't. We haven't spoken since that day.

I'm home alone right now. The guys went to the Aquarium because Shawn is going to be a marine biologist and he went for studying purposes, while Leon went for boredom purposes, Narcisuss went for teasing purposes and Zeke went for boredom and teasing. I, however, am exasuted from classes and chose to stay home while the house was actually quiet.

I fix myself in the mirror, wearing the gray shirt I bought five months ago, and my messy hair is up in a even more messy bun. I sigh opening the door and gasp when I see who is on the other side.

Will wears a flannal green shirt over a white T-shirt. He looks at me seriously, with eyebrows raised, "Sidney."

I'm unable to control myself. I throw my arms around him, "Will!"

I don't remain in his embrace for long. Instead, the desperation from the past few months controls my limbs. I place my hands on the back of his neck and pull him toward me. Our lips collide and he doesn't object. I can feel the relief radiating off of him as he places his hand on my cheek, kissing me back willingly.

I sit up in bed suddenly. My breaths are deep and my mind runs wild. Did I really just have that dream? I know it's not okay to dream about him. I know I should be getting over him, and I've been doing a pretty good job! But still, it's hard getting over someone you thought you'd be spending your life with. It hurts a certain place in your heart that's most vulnerable. There's this one tiny spot on your heart, where if you hurt it, the rest of your heart will easily shatter.

I know they say a dream is a wish your heart makes, but I can't have this dream.

I slow my breathing, placing my palms on my forehead.

Just breath for now.

Just breath.

I don't need Will.

The two of us shouldn't be together.

I run my hand through my hair, knowing it's going to be impossible to go back to sleep. I get up, kicking the covers off my feet. If I'm going to be awake, I might as well be watching Vampire Diaries.

: : : : :

One day, as I'm searching for jobs online, my phone rings. I've been running out of the cash I've been saving, and I refuse to free load my way through my last year of college. Gotta get that moo-la somehow.

I answer my phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello, Sidney Shark speaking?"

"Hello, Sidney, how very lovely it is to speak with you today." I hear a playful voice on the other line.

I grin, "Percy, how have you been, brother?"

"I'm great! Thalia has her due date set for two days away, unless the kid explodes out of her before then."

I blink, surprised, "That's right! I'd totally forgotten that she was due soon! We don't talk very much anymore. Do you guys want me to come? Help? I would be totally fine ditching school for a few days to come see my new nephew."

Percy chuckles, "Nah, I think we're good. Thalia has her three sisters coming to help, so we'll have pleanty of capable hands."

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