Mitsuya Takashi x Reader

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Exams are done and you finally had time to go on a date with your boyfriend, Mitsuya Takashi. "Finally!!" your best friend cheered beside you as you giggled. "Good job surviving" you patted her shoulder as she wiped a nonexistent tear. "Yes. I'm a survivor" she dramatically said as you laughed beside her. "That's cause you're stupid" Peyan, your childhood friend, said smirking beside you. "huh? What did you say you muscle head?" she growled and they began to bicker back and forth as you smirked at them. "Why don't you just ask her out already Ryo?" you said as he froze and a blush spread across his cheeks. "What the?! (f/n)! Call me Peyan. I already told you not to call me Ryo" he grumbled. "(b/f/n)? How bout it? Our Ryo is really strong a bit on the stupid side but he's tall, strong and he looks cool. You love those kinds of guys right?" you smiled as she blushed.

"I- I'm not interested in this idiot" she said pointing at Peyan as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah and pigs can fly" he smirked. "Just get together already!! I'm tired of whatever this is" you said as they looked at one another then a loud "HMP!" could be heard before they avoided eye contact. "Why are you so hard to persuade?? I know you both like each other. So stubborn" you pouted. Mitsuya was by your door looking at your pouting face as a smile found its way to his. She's such a beauty even if she pouts like that. I'm glad Peyan introduced her to me. He thought before calling you. Your head whipped in his direction as your lips curled up. "Takashi!" you called as he chuckled. Damn, I'm so whipped. You hugged him as he kissed your forehead. "Why are you pouting?" he asked as you grumbled. "Hmm?" he looked down at you as you pointed in your best friend's direction. "Those stubborn asses just won't admit it" you grumbled as he chuckled.

Looking at the situation, Mitsuya knew what you are referring to. He too, noticed the glances Peyan would always do whenever your best friend was there and she too would look at Peyan and would blush whenever she gets caught. "Don't get involve with them" he chuckled as you rolled your eyes. "I just wanted to help them since Peyan was the reason we became a couple" you mumbled as he hugged you tighter. "Takashi?" you asked as he hummed. "Are we still on this Saturday?" you asked and he nodded. "Let's go to the beach?" he asked as you nodded. "Let's go!" you smiled. Then you heard loud bickering again and looked at your best friend and your childhood friend having another argument. "Why am I stuck with those idiots" you mumbled as he chuckled. "They're your childhood friend and best friend so you have to endure it" he said as you pouted. "Then give me a kiss to show your support" you smiled as he leaned down and kissed your lips.

Gagging sounds were heard as you rolled your eyes. "Both of you are just jealous cause me and Takashi are open and would always be lovey dovey while you guys would always bicker to hide your true feelings" you smirked as their jaws dropped. "Why don't you just confess Pe?" Mitsuya smiled at the taller male as his eyes widened. Your best friend peeked at Peyan who was blushing. She looked at you and you mouthed 'go for it' she sighed before pulling Peyan and kissing him on the lips. "I like you damn it!" she shouted as three of your eyes widened. Peyan was frozen while your best friend waited for his answer. "Fuck it! That's why I didn't want to confess to this idiot" she said before grabbing her bag and left the room crying. Glaring at your childhood friend, you made your way to him before slapping his cheek, HARD. Mitsuya winced at the loud sound echoing in the empty classroom. "Get yourself together Ryo! Chase her and confess now before I whoop your sorry ass for making her cry" you growled as he instantly ran out of the classroom.

Mitsuya grabbed your hand that was shaking from smacking Peyan on the face. "Does it hurt?" he asked and you chuckled. "Yeah, but it's okay. At least he finally had the balls to confess" you smiled as you saw Peyan ran towards your best friend and pulling her in a hug. Grabbing your phone, you took pics and smirked. "For blackmail" you murmured as your boyfriend shook his head. "I'll take you home. Come on" he said pulling your hand and grabbed your bag. The two of you talked while walking home until you heard a familiar sound of a motorcycle. "Mitsuya!" Mikey called out. "Hi (f/n)-chin~" Mikey greeted as you giggled. "Hi Mikey" you looked at him then waved at Draken who was a bit behind him. "Where are you both going?" he asked as you shrugged. "Home" you answered as he pondered. "How bout riding with us?" Mikey suggested as your eyes widened. Mitsuya has never tried bringing you to meet the gang. Only close members know about you because it was dangerous and Mitsuya didn't want anything to happen to you.

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