Hayashi Ryohei x Reader

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Looking worriedly at your boyfriend, he shooed you off saying he'll be fine as long as you come back right after buying groceries. "Ryo are you sure?" you asked him as he nodded looking down at your chihuahua who was growling at him. "I'll be fine babe. I also took care of Pah-chin's dog before" he smiled as you sighed. But you got bitten by that said dog. You thought as Pah called you out of the blue telling you that your boyfriend was bitten by his dog. You called your chihuahua over as it happily went to you. "Baby please don't bully him. Okay? I'll be back in a bit" you kissed it's head and heard someone grumbling.

Giggling at your pouting boyfriend, you went to him and pulled his hand. "Ryo crouch down, will you? I can't reach your lips when you're standing on the sofa" you giggled as he rolled his eyes before crouching. "I'll be back in a bit. (f/b) is asleep at the kitchen and probably won't wake up right now since puppies love sleeping" you kissed his lips before waving him good bye and walking out the door. He heard the door close before looking at your Chihuahua who was eyeing him. "Let's get along please?!" he pleaded as the dog growled. "Whyyyy?! Why do dogs hate me?!" he said as he sulked.

Going straight to the pet shop first, you bought some treats and dog food then you went to the groceries where you saw Draken and Mikey buying some Dorayaki at the shop beside the groceries. "Mikey-kun? Draken-kun?" you called out as they turned to face you. "Oh (f/n)-chin!" Mikey smiled as you waved at him. "Where are you going?" Draken asked patting your head. "I was about to go to the groceries to buy some things from the groceries." You smiled as they looked at one another. "Want us to help? That looks heavy" Draken said looking at the big plastic you were carrying. "Oh... Uhm.. It's fine. It's just two kilos of dog food and a few treats" you smiled as Mikey shook his head. "We'll help you out since your house is just along the way to the meeting spot" Mikey said as you nodded. "Thank you, guys. Let me make you dinner for helping me out" you said as they both nodded. As you three entered the grocery store, there were a lot of people lining up to pay. "Oh! There was a sale today" you said as Draken frowned. "Seems like we'll have to line up for 30 mins or so if we don't hurry" he said as more people entered.

Peh was laying on the sofa when he fell asleep waiting for you. When he felt something lick his fingers, he rubbed his eyes and looked down to see a (f/b) puppy wagging its tail. "Oh? This must be the puppy (f/n) was talking about" he mumbled as he cautiously touched her head as the puppy licked his hand before laying on its stomach. He was about to touch it when your Chihuahua barked and rushed at him as he flinched. Looking sadly at the puppy he became friends with. The chihuahua kept barking at him when the puppy barked causing the chihuahua to whine and sit beside her. Peh's eyes widened as the puppy barked at him again and went near him so that he could pet her. "Thanks little guy" he said smiling at the puppy who was loving the pets he gives. She was jumping up and down indicating she wanted him to carry her.

He unsure at first but he gave up when she was giving him those irresistible puppy dog eyes. He picked her up as she happily licked his face as he chuckled. "You know, you really resemble (f/n)" he said laying down on the sofa as he placed the puppy on his stomach. The puppy laid down and began closing her eyes as he caressed her fur. "now that I think about it, you're a girl too." He mumbled. "I'm like that Chihuahua, aggressive and shit but when (f/n) tells me to stop, I stop too and whine but she'll just look at me and I'll shut up" he chuckled. "She also gets away with what she did wrong or gets what she wants whenever she gives me her puppy dog eyes too." He smiled thinking how similar you both are. "Well, like pet, like owner I guess" he mumbled before yawing and falling asleep again.

The three of you on the other hand were on your way home as you finished with the grocery shopping. "I'm not stepping into that war zone again" Mikey said looking traumatized when you asked him to grab some buy 1 take 1 eggs. "I- I'm scared of all those woman who squished me to death" he mumbled as you and Draken looked at the poor male. "I'm sorry Mikey-kun. I'll buy you some Doriyaki next time. Five of them" you smiled as he nodded. "Thanks (f/n)-chin" he smiled as Draken looked at you. "Yes Draken-kun?" he furrowed his eyebrows. "Where's Peh Yan? He's always around you. So it's rare for him to be missing when you need him" he said as you giggled. "His at my house looking after the dogs." You answered as Draken's eyes widened. "You know that dogs hate him right? He got bit by Pah's dog" Draken said grimacing when he remembered Peh being bitten in front of him.

Mikey laughed. "He's bad with dogs (f/n)-chin. You're evil for leaving him there alone" you rolled your eyes. "My dogs are small. One is a chihuahua and the other is still a puppy" you said as they chuckled. "Dogs are still dogs (f/n) despite their sizes" Draken said and you grew worried. "Then pick up the pace?" you asked as they nodded. Not long after, the three of you arrived home and you called for your boyfriend but he didn't reply which caused you to panic. Dropping the groceries, you went to the living room to see him fast asleep with the puppy snuggling against his neck and your chihuahua sleeping beside the couch. You sighed in relief and grabbed your phone. Taking a picture of your boyfriend and dogs. "Did he die?" Mikey asked followed by Draken who looked around and you pointed at Peh Yan who was sleeping soundly. Your chihuahua woke up and went to Draken while Mikey went to Peh and woke him up.

You were at the kitchen preparing dinner as Peh wrapped his arms around you. "yes babe?" you smiled as he kissed your cheek. "Welcome home" he mumbled. "I'm home" you said as you saw your puppy following him around. "She loves you" you smiled as he grinned picking her up. "Yeah. She loves me as much as you do" he smiled as you shake your head. "Nah. I love you more" you grinned as he kissed your lips. "I love you too" he murmured and you heard someone cleared his throat. You looked back to see Mikey pouting and Draken grinning. "I know you miss each other but I'm hungry (f/n)-chin" Mikey whined. "I'll help out" Draken said as you nodded telling him to slice some vegetables for the salad. Peh and Mikey were at the living room watching tv and playing with the dogs while waiting for dinner to finish.

~A/n: I grabbed the idea from chibi revengers! Lol. If you haven't watched it yet, you can watch it at youtube. It's soooo cute 😭❤️

(f/n) first name

(f/b) favorite breed

Italics - thoughts

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