Kawata Nahoya x Reader

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~A/n: obstetrician is a is a doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and a woman's reproductive system and they are also known as OB. I did some research in this chapter but if I'm wrong, please do correct me and I'll change it. 😊

After a good 6 years, you are finally a very well known obstetrician in the US. You are currently employed at one of the biggest hospitals in the US, New York Presbyterian. You were very skilled at your age and was even called a genius but of course, you don't believe it actually you thing you were still far off. There were a lot of ups and downs before you're standing in where you are right now. The breakup with your ex was hell for you but thanks to the people you love and got to know in the US, you gradually moved on. He did try to contact you three months after through facebook since he couldn't contact your phone, he wanted to get back with you but too bad for him, you were already in the US. His circle of friends didn't tell him you were leaving and that was the best. The others around you already knew how toxic the two of you are but chose to stay quiet and stay out of your relationship.

The trauma that Nahoya gave you hunted you for years but it gradually got better. Thanks to that certain someone that played the biggest part of your moving on stage. You began to slowly overcome that trauma. That person is a friend from Japan, Well, not just a friend now but a close friend. That friend was someone you knew for a long time but you weren't THAT close thanks to your ex who was very possessive of you, you'd just exchange greetings and nothing more but when you broke up with him, you began to grow closer to those around you may it be girls or boys. Yup, Nahoya also gets jealous with the girls around you saying something about them getting most of your time and attention.

The moment where you broke up and the news spread among your group of friends, the one month you spent in Japan finishing your papers at school and waiting for some documents, you also grew closer to some members of Toman which you knew a while back but didn't get a chance to hangout with. With Nahoya out of the way, you had fun on the last month you had in Japan.

Remembering how he made you feel happy in such a short amount of time made your heart skip a beat. He was someone you instantly clicked with and as they saw you off at the airport, he hugged you tight as you melted in his embrace. "I'll be waiting for you." He murmured as you nodded. "Go and chase your dream! Be sure to contact me everyday and to come back to me! Okay?!" he shouted as you walked away while waving them good bye with a smile on your face.

Driving home, you smiled at the thought of that person. "It's been six years and we still have communication. It never faded" you said as you parked your car. "I should surprise him soon." You mumbled as you got off the car. "I can file for a week or two off soon, I guess" you locked the car and went in the apartment complex. Just as you arriving to your apartment, you sighed as your tired body drags itself to your room and plop on the bed. "I'm so tired" you mumbled. Remembering the hectic schedule, you had today. Imagine having 7 pregnant women giving birth in a span of 10 hours and you were the only one available that time.

"I mean, I'm not complaining since seeing the babies faces and hearing there first cry makes me feel giddy and the smile of a tired mother after birth is making me happy too but damn it's tiring. Why the hell am I the only one on duty?!" Your little rant got cut off when your phone rang as you groaned and stood up to get your bag that you placed on your desk. Opening your phone, it was your mentor. Answering the phone, he told you to prepare for a dinner later with the higher ups as you furrowed your eyebrows. "What? Why?" you asked as he chuckled. "It's a secret. Just come at (r/n) at 7PM" he said before ending the call.

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