Kawata Twins x Reader

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Always moving here and there, you didn't have any friends. Your father's job is great and all but you had to move wherever his next project is which was tiring for you but you had no choice since your mom passed away when you were born, you didn't want your father to go alone since he raised you all on his own with just a little help from his parents since your mom's parents had also passed away a while back. You are currently staying at your grandparent's house while your dad was busy. "(f/n)-chan?" your grandmother called as you walked towards her. "Yes grandma?" you asked as she smiled. "Come here child. Have some cookies. I baked your favorite chocolate chip" handed you a plate and you beamed. "Thank you grandma! I'll wash my hands first" you ran to the sink and washed your hands. "You want to go to the playground in a bit? I need to walk (d/n) too" she said pointing at the Shiba outside. You nodded as you ate the cookies.

After eating, you asked your grandmother if you could pack the two remaining cookies to bring to the playground and she nodded. The walk to the playground was short since it's just a five-minute walk. "You can go and play (f/n). I'll walk (d/n) around" she said as you nodded and went to the swings. As you were playing, you heard a faint sob from your right and you followed it to see a boy who had a scratched knee. He was crying and you approached him. "Does it hurt so much?" you asked as he nodded. "Wait. I think I have band aids here" you searched through your small bag and found two band aids. "Let's wash your wound first" you murmured as he shook his head. "It's going to hurt" you frowned. "But we need to clean the dirt first" you sternly said as he cried harder and you sighed. You looked around and saw you were near the restroom. "Can you stand? Let's go over there" you pointed to the bench near the restroom. He shook his head as you sighed.

Can I carry him? You thought before you slung one of his arms around your shoulder and pulled him up. "You're heavy" you huffed as he limped towards the bench. "Sit here for a bit. Okay?" you said as he nodded. You placed water on your hands and slowly drizzled it on his wound. He winced and bit his lip. You looked at him worriedly. "Bear with it for a bit. Okay?" he nodded as you continued until the wound is clean. You grabbed your unused handkerchief and slowly dab on the wound so it would be dry enough to put the band aids on. After that, you placed the band aids on the wound and smiled proudly on your work. "I'm done!" you said as you looked at him. "Thank you" he mumbled as you smiled and sat beside him. "Are you alone?" you asked as he shook his head. "My brother is here. I said I was thirsty so he went to buy me juice" he said as you nodded your head. "Oh! Here!" you said giving him one of the cookies as he gave you a small smile and mumbled a thanks.

As you both were about to eat, you heard someone calling. "Souya?! Where are you?!" he yelled as the boy next to you began to look around. "Souya!!!" the other boy yelled before running towards you both. "Are you okay??" he asked and the boy next to you nodded. "I'm fine nii-chan. She helped me" He said looking at you as your eyes widened. "Twins" you murmured as the older brother smiled and nodded his head. "I'm Nahoya. Kawata Nahoya. I'm the oldest twin and this is Kawata Souya" he introduced himself and his brother. "I'm (l/n) (f/n). Nice to meet you" you smiled as they both blushed. "Are you from around here (l/n)-chan?" Nahoya asked as you gave him a small smile. "We do have a house here but it's owned by my grandparents. I often move around with my dad because of his work and call me (f/n)!" you said as you grabbed another cookie from your bag and gave it to Nahoya who's eyes widened before thanking you.

The three of you would often play at the playground where you met for the first time but sadly, your happy days came to an end when your father told you that his job is done and you'd be going to Hokkaido for his next job. You were saddened by this but didn't have the choice but to agree. Today was your last day and you were sitting on the swing. The twins went behind you to surprise you but as they saw your shoulder shaking, they panicked and went in front of you. "Why are you crying (f/n)-chan?" Souya asked wiping your tears while his brother frowned "Did someone bully you?" he asked angrily as you shook your head. "I'm moving tomorrow" you sobbed as they froze. "What?" Nahoya asked. "Why?" Souya added. "My dad is finished here so we'll be going to Hokkaido next" you smile sadly at them as they began to cry too. "No. don't go" Souya said hugging your waist as you patted his head. "I'm sorry" you murmured as tears began to fall faster. Nahoya wrapped his arms around your neck as he silently cried.

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