Matsuno Chifuyu x Reader

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As a child, you've always loved music. Your mother was a singer before she decided to end her career to raise you. She wanted you to live a normal life since her friends always tell her how their children were having difficulties of living the life they want because of their parent's careers. So she decided to end her past dream for her new one, and that is to live with you and her beloved husband in peace. Your father was her doctor when she was admitted to the hospital due to fatigue and malnutrition because of her diet. It was love at first sight for them even if there was a seven year gap between them.

When you were born, you had your father's hair, a beautiful (h/c) and your mother's breathtaking features. As you grew older, you began to fall in love with instruments and singing. You father smiled as he saw you grab your mom's CD and place it on the CD player to hear her songs. Your mother would always blush whenever you and your father would complement her for her singing. Now, you're already 15 years old. Your mother opened up her own little café beside your house since the left side of the house wasn't used. You'd often sing there as the customers have their meals or their coffee time.

Being a part of the music club at school allowed you to enhance your skills more as you learned to play different instruments but one thing is for sure, the guitar is your favorite. The current guitar you are using is the first anniversary gift your dad gave your mom when they were still dating. It was quite old acoustic guitar but nevertheless, it was still in good condition since your mom really took good care of it and from your mom's story, she wrote a number of songs using the very guitar you're currently holding. Your dad just chuckled as he remembered that she wrote a song for him and that made him fall even more and he even admitted that he sometimes lets your mom sing him the first song she wrote for him so that he could sleep well.

Hearing about your parent's love story made you dream that one day, if you fall in love, you want him to listen to the song you composed for him. No one has heard you sing except your parents and your best friend. In the club, you usually take up instruments than singing. Since you didn't have any confidence in your voice but both your parents and best friend always tell you that you have a beautiful voice. You were currently looking out the window as you saw the boys play soccer for their P.E class. One person caught your eye, a blonde guy who looks scary af. Is he a delinquent? You thought as you stared at him. His hair looks weird... like a rooster. As if sensing that you were badmouthing him, his head snapped your direction as you flinched. Beautiful pair of blue eyes stared at you as you unconsciously smiled. You saw him turn his back on you as you pouted. Your best friend elbowed you as you looked at her before pointing at the teacher who was now glaring at you. "Please solve these two problems on the board (l/n)" she said as you nodded.

~A/n: let's say Chifuyu's hair is still his past hairstyle. He still hasn't changed it and imagine you are really good at math, science and English in this one shot. Btw I suck at math and science especially the problem solving parts. How bout you guys?

Math wasn't your favorite subject but thanks to your dad's easy to understand teaching and probably his genes, you became really good at math and science. Those were your highest subjects along with English while the other subjects are okay. You wrote your answers before giving her back the white board marker then sitting down on your seat. She checked your answers and sighed. "Both are correct." She said as you smiled. "But you still have to listen even if you already know about this part of the lesson" she said as you nodded muttering a 'sorry' as she nodded and continued your lesson. Your best friend looked at you as you mouthed 'later' she nodded and looked up front to listen to the lesson.

Chifuyu was standing with his friends as he felt a pair of eyes looking at him. He looked at the second floor building and saw a (h/c) haired girl looking at him. He looked confused at first. Do I know her? He thought before you smiled at him and he felt his cheeks getting hotter. He turned his back on you as he clenched his tshirt. "What the hell..." he muttered as his heartbeat quickened. He looked back to see you listening to class. "What's the matter?" his friend asked as he pointed to you. "Do you know who that is?" he asked as his friend shook his head. "All I know is that section is 2-A. She belongs to the smart ones" his friend chuckled. After class, you told your best friend what caught your attention and that it feels like you experienced this so called 'love at first sight' she looked excited as you told her about it but what worried her is that you described him as a 'delinquent'

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