Imma Kill You, Snart!

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Len's POV

So as they were about to pull the trigger lightning fills the room and I appear on the waverider. "Finally. I was there for a week." I grumble. I look around and see everyone but Sara. I ignore it seeing as she is a strange woman and disappears a lot. "Thanks for getting me Wally." I say. "I appreciate the fact that you think I did, but it wasn't me." He says. "Then who....Please tell me you didn't go to Barry." I say. "I tried to stop them Len but they didn't listen." Mick says. Lisa walks in and snorts. "You are fucking screwed. He is pissed and even Sara is having a hard time getting him to even take a deep breath." She says. I sigh. "I have a feeling I will be sleeping on the couch." I mutter. "Try the doorstep." She says giggling. "Why is Barry mad. He should be happy your okay..." Wally says confused. "Oh just wait and you will hear it in a few minutes. But the main part is probably because he just got the twins to go to sleep when he had to track you and run back in time and get you. So you are screwed." Lisa says. I sigh. "Don't need to tell me what I already know." I say. Barry walks in his eyes glowing bright white. "Hey babe." I say trying to play it cool and he glares at me and the tips of his hair start turning blue. "Don't 'Hey Babe' me Snart. I am trying my damn hardest not to freeze your ass right now. Now would you like to explain to me why you were that idiotically stupid!" He yells. I take a step back. Out of the corner of my eye I see Lisa, Mick, and Sara recording this. "What do you mean." I ask trying to act like I don't know what's going on. "Don't get snarky with me. How could you have been so idiotically stupid to leave your fucking cold gun at the house when you left after I repeatedly told you to not forget your cold gun. I know you can be stupid but your a fucking idiot. I told you like 5 times to not do anything stupid like this and what do you do! You go and do the one thing I told you not to!" He yells. Lisa and Sara are each holding a twin. "Barry do you...." Wally goes to try and intervene but Barry glares at him making him shut his mouth fast. "They have heard enough shit come out of my mouth and it won't bother anything now!" He growls. "Now how about this. You take care of them for the next 2 weeks and see how long it takes you to get them to sleep, and I will go out and live my life, and maybe even run back in time and get lost and not be able to get back home and have you come find me, bring me home, and me have woken the twins up right after you just got them to sleep!" He yells. Malia giggles and Talia is clapping. "Oh my god the kids are getting a kick out of this." Mick says laughing. I glare at him. "And you want to know what pisses me off more about the 'you leaving your cold gun' situation. It's that I took time out of my day to make you a new holster so you could keep it on you at all times. It was grey but I died it black because I may have stitched myself to it by accident. It wasn't fun. I'm greatly offended that you didn't use it after not only did you specifically ask me to make it, but after I put my own flesh and blood into it. Literally." He growls. He wanders off and everyone is still either laughing or shook by the fact that Barry Allen, the sweet lovable nerd, just yelled me up one side and down the other and frightened me. "Oh dad would have paid to see that." Wally says. I snort. "Joe still glares at me every time I am in the room. One day he was at our penthouse and Barry had just came out of the room when he knocked at the door and I opened it. I kissed Barry and he had his hand on his damn gun. I had my cold gun on the table and placed my hand on it. Barry was ready to kill us both. He walked back into the bedroom to get whatever Joe wanted and was grumbling something about us just being civil or something. I can't remember." I say. Everyone chuckles. The twins are asleep in the med bay in the little bed things for them and into the room where Gideon is and see Barry passed out on the floor. Everyone had been complaining about Gideon acting up so I am assuming he tried to fix it but was so physically exhausted he passed out. I know this isn't anything major because he has done it multiple times before. I sigh and pick him up bridal style and carry my room here and lay him on the bed. I cover him up and set and watch as he sleeps. There is a knock on the door and Sara walks in. "So Gideon is back up and running fine now after Barry showed up. Are we missing something. I mean I know Barr is an engineer but.... Is he ok?" She asks. "Yeah Sara he's fine. He just passed out from exhaustion. He will wake up in a little bit. And Barry created Gideon. This year with Zoom around he needed something to do other than just fiddle with his hands. Especially when Zoom snapped his back. And when he was pregnant. And when Henry was killed. I mean it is a lot for him and with him still up against Zoom...Just I don't know anymore." I say. I am gripping his hand. I notice Sara has a few tears in her eyes. "Great now not only am I crying but you are two. You never can read a book by it's cover can ya?" She asks setting down beside me. "Nope." I whisper. "Your worried about him aren't you." She asks. "Sara he relapsed 2 weeks after the twins were born. I walked into the bathroom that morning when I heard crying and saw him with his switchblade Henry got him, cutting himself. He had cut his thighs, arms, stomach. It wasn't pretty. But in a situation like that with him you have to be strong and put on a brave face no matter how guilty you feel. You feel like it's your fault because they relapsed. But it was never mine. Zoom took Caitlin then. They still haven't got her back from that monster. Barry is heartbroken and terrified of Zoom. He is afraid to go out there against Zoom. Cisco is frustrated because he thinks Barry doesn't want Caitlin back and that he is being lazy. Harry is arguing with Cisco trying to keep him off Barry for five seconds. Jesse is mad at Harry for starting more arguments. Iris is mad at Barry because he isn't keeping her looped in. Joe is mad at Iris for causing more drama. Poor Wally isn't trained enough to go out there to face Zoom yet and Iris is mad at him for not going out there to help Barry. And Barry is so torn up all of the time that he relapsed. And everything was because of one man. One fucking monster destroyed everything. Every fucking thing. And yeah Sara I am worried. Even though I know he will pull through. It's Scarlet we are talking about here. He always pulls through some of the hardest shit thrown at him." I say. 

**Fast Forward 4 years and Len and Barry now have triplets who are 3, the twins are 4, and a 2 year old.**

So everyone is here at the penthouse. Barry had went into the bedroom to do something. He comes out glaring at me. "Might as well tell you now. You better sleep with one eye open son of a bitch." He growls point at me. I raise my hands in surrender, completely unknown of what I did this time. "What did I even do to this time." I say. "God I haven't seen you this mad since you knocked him up with Hayley." Lisa says giggling. Then it dawns on me. "You aren't...." I say trailing off. "I've known for 3 weeks. I finally got a straight answer out of my doctor. That's what that call was about. I had my first ultrasound 3 weeks ago. I'm 9 weeks along. I have bloodwork drawn tomorrow for the genders and everything. Take a guess at how many." He says. "That's a good question. I'm going to take the guess of 2." Lisa says. "Nope. I bet you ten to one it is 4." I say taking a drink of water. "Good answer Len. Yes while me and Nate are twins, we have been the only twins in my side of the family. And multiples do run in your family. You were supposed to be a twin yourself. So now thanks to your messed up genes we are going to have 10 satan sponic children running around this house in a few months." He says. "Ooh can we plan a gender reveal for you guys!" All of the girls ask. I chuckle. "You guys did for all of our other children. Go for it. I am assuming you don't want me there tomorrow." I say taking another drink of water. "No. Because I am already debating making you sleep on the couch. And tomorrow is also to see how risky this one is and to see if we need to keep the doctor on stand by." He says. He walks over and curls back into his spot on the couch beside me. "See that is the kind of relationship I want." Caitlin huffs. "How many failed attempts at a relationship have you had the past 3 years Caitlin. Because I know you and Julian didn't work out." Barry says. "7. Ronnie when the particle accelerator first blew then when he died later on in the singularity. Jay. Then Julian. Then Andrew. Then Hayden. Then Jessica. Then Emmie. I just ain't got luck." She says. Barry is chewing on his nails. "And you wonder why your fingers are sore." I say. He slaps me. "Ow" I say. "So Cait, so you said you just ain't got luck. How far are you willing to go. Are you willing to make compromises here." Barry asks. "I mean yeah. I mean if your talking about dating a criminal, I would try. But it ain't like I am gonna get in a relationship with someone who has tried to kill me." She says. "Ok so don't follow in my footsteps there. Which in my defense I have been with him since before the lightning. Ok if your looking for a good hookup I am going to suggest going to J&J Karaoke on downtown 6th avenue. It is a bright blue glowing sign. You can't miss it. If your looking for a woman to try a relationship with there is this Lesbian bar on south and main called Jazz and Jess. I think it's the owners names. Then if your looking for a guy go to Saints and Sinners. I met Lenny there. I was already higher than a kite but I had hid it until I randomly started crying. Len realized he may have allowed them to give me to much alcohol. I was wandering out of the building wanting to go walk around the city and see the sights but he wouldn't let me. Joe you would be proud of him. And thankful. Let's just say the random drinking buddy I had that night that I don't even remember much got shot. In the park we were going to go to. He was gone before Lenny could stop him." Barry says. Everyone laughs. "You know Barry I don't think I have ever seen you drunk before." Felicity says. "You don't want to see him drunk. Your emotions can switch faster then you could run to the other side of the room with your speed." I say. I guess I was expecting to get hit. Apparently everyone else was to. Then I realize he is grinning about something. "What has you grinning like a mad man sparky." Frost asks. "Nothing other than the fact that he has never actually seen me go through all of my emotions in an hour. Be prepared for nine months of hell." He says. 

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