Secret Sin 2

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(POV: The Vampire Diaries people have been on earth one for awhile now and they work with team Flash and they all seem jealous of Barry. Damon and Stefan ask why.)

Damon: Why do you guys hate the kind human? He hasn't done anything wrong from what I can get out of him.

Iris: He's got the nice eyes.

Cisco: Get's the guys.

Caitlin: He makes girls want to cry.

Damon: But he doesn't get to hide like they do.

Jesse: He's got the perfect body.

Harry: Perfect smile.

Wally: Perfect everything.

Damon: But he's not been happy for awhile.

Stefan: Under his suit

Damon: Under his skin.

Stefan: Hiding in plain sight.

Damon: His secret sin.

Stefan: He wants the fairytale but not the princess.

Both: So no happy ending for the boy whos hidden.

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