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(POV: Kara and Barry have been together for 4 years now and Earth 38 is on earth 1. They live in a penthouse together. One day Barry has a run in with his narcissistic and abusive ex who mentally destroyed him and beat him. Kara doesn't know. The day after the run in with his ex she comes home to find Barry in the bathroom crying and saying things.)

*Kara walks into the penthouse and hears crying and follows the sound to their bathroom and finds Barry crying and she stands in the doorway.*

Barry: You're not a failure!

Barry: You're not trash!

*With each thing he says to his reflection he hits the mirror with his fists.*

Barry: You're not cold!

Barry: You're not a bitch!

Barry: You're not ugly!

Barry: You're not disgusting!

Barry: You're not a slut!

Barry: You're not dirty!

Barry: You're not spoiled!

Barry: You're not a monster!



*With each hit to the mirror becoming harder it finally shattered on the last hit. He slides down the counter to the ground sobbing and Kara runs over to him*

Kara: Oh no. Hey Bazzy. It's okay. Don't worry. I'm here now. Shh. I messaged Caitlin. She is on her way.

*Kara looks around and sees just how much blood he has lost from the cuts on his wrists. And the blood pouring from his stomach and chest from the cuts. Then the cuts on his hands from the mirror. it clicks that he tried to kill himself. She wipes a few tears away that fell down his cheeks.*

Kara: Baby do you think you can tell me what happened.


Barry was having a normal day at the precinct and he was called downstairs by the captain. "Allen could you stay with him for a few minutes until I find an officer who can find out more about his stolen wallet." Singh says to him. Barry and the other man lock eyes and Barry backs away grabbing Singh's arm. "No. H-He h-h-h-h-has a-a-a-a...." Barry says panicking. "Well if it isn't the little gay slut from Westerville Ohio! The little piece of trash who is nothing but a spoiled brat and a failure! But then I am leaving out you being an ugly disgusting bitch and known slut of Westerville Ohio! You're just a cold dirty monster who doesn't deserve love and deserves to be locked up!" His ex, Andrew, yells at him smiling and laughing. Barry grips to his godfather who just so happens to be Captain Singh.

**End of Flashback**

*Kara is in tears now as she hold the sobbing boy.*

Kara: Oh Bazzy.

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