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(POV: The Precinct isn't after Snart anymore seeing as he has helped save the world on multiple occasions and Joe is okay with his and Barry's relationship and they all know about Barry being the flash. Well Barry speeds into the precinct with Len's parka that he steals constantly. Everyone gets a kick out of the two.)

Singh: Joe do you have the Parkinson case.....

*He stops as Barry speeds in laughing and wearing Len's parka. He walks over behind Joe.*

Joe: I can't help you. For one you stole his parka and for two your a grown ass adult Bartholomew.

*Joe is laughing his ass off as Len runs in.*

Len: Hand over the parka Scarlett

Barry: Never! It's mine now!

Len: I can't even take it off for 5 seconds can I. Give me the parka Barry. 

Barry: It's mine now.

*Everyone is snickering at the pair. Len starts chasing Barry who dodges him.* 

Len: Do I need to freeze the damn floor to catch you. I know you wore the wrong shoes because you slipped on the way here.

Barry: You wouldn't fucking dare!

Len: Oh try me. Now hand over the parka or this is fair game Scarlett

*Barry snorts and goes to run again but Len freezes the floor. Barry snorts and takes a small run and go and scales the wall to is hanging from the beams on the ceiling.*

Singh: You might as well give up on getting your parka back. Poor Joe gave him a jacket 2 months ago and still hasn't got it back.

Len: What kills me is this is every fucking day. He is 27 fucking years old and acts like a 5 year old.

Barry: My parents say I act 3. Then again I am pretty sure they gave me brain damage as a child. They did drop me quite frequently. I didn't do anything to them. It wasn't my fault they decided to let family stay with them all of the time. Then my cousin dropped me in the pool because he slipped and I slipped out of his hands and nearly drowned. 

*Singh snorts.*

Singh: No wonder your so messed up in the mentally stable section of your brain.

*Barry hops down and huffs.*

Barry: That was mean.

Singh: But am I right

Barry: Well you aren't wrong so...

Len: Can I have my parka back please.

*Barry whines and wraps it tighter around him.*

Barry: But it's fluffy and warm!

Len: Fine.

*Len huffs and Barry smiles and everyone has got a kick out of the two and it brightened up their days for sure.*

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