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in good time; sufficiently early.

- timeous describes positive times and is a word that can also represent good luck to time travelers.

- trigger warnings!: none.

key- trigger warnings!: none

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YOU'D THINK DREAM would have to be more careful. however, he even proved himself wrong. he was a bit reluctant when he headed back to the hotel room, realizing that he had to sneak back in, and that he took his freedom for granted.

he stole not only karl's time travel book, but also a chronographic watch, putting it on and seeing the purple and green sparks flying out from it. he took the time to read about its use on his way back.

when he made his way to the hotel room, he found a crowd of guards surrounding the open door of the room, running an investigation on the two incapacitated guards on the floor, and the fact that dream escaped. he spotted one of the guards coming out, holding his signature white mask in front of everyone.

"that bastard left his mask in the nightstand." they exclaimed to everyone, making the guards tilt and scratch their heads. dream stood at the end of the hall, listening closely. he faced away from them for a moment, focusing on flipping through the table of contents within the time travel book.

he made it to the page about using chronographic watches again. it also mentioned time dilation, which he admittedly needs to study. but it wouldn't hurt to try and rewind right now, right? you have to learn through trial and error after all.

right as he closed the book and turned around to walk down the hallway, he bumped into another guard. "yo what are you doing?" the guard said in a deep voice. dream's eyes widened, not knowing what to do.

he went to part his lips but nothing came out. that's when the guard felt something off, instinctively reaching into their sheath to aim their sword. however, dream was faster.

dream gripped onto the time travel book tightly while reaching to his wrist, the purple and green sparks from the chronographic watch coming out like fireworks. that's when he dialed the hands back to what he remembered the hands on the clock were paused on before he started taking the clock apart.

he immediately pressed down on the watch, warping and disappearing into a wormhole. he could've sworn he saw a seconds-worth glimpse of time slowing down before the warp sucked him in, leaving him floating in an extremely fast-moving, purple wormhole, gravity pushing him in one direction.

that's when he saw another warp opening, showing a disfigured image of the hotel room with tiramisu-crumb-covered dishes resting on the nightstand. he instinctively went into a diving position, flying straight ahead into the open warp.

that's when dream ended up back in his bed of the empty hotel room, his senses immediately clicking in and adjusting to his surroundings. as he let his grip go, he felt the time travel book fall onto the white bedsheets. he took a double take on the book, opening it and scanning through the pages to see it in stable condition.

then he began examining his surroundings, making sure he wasn't going crazy. the two guards weren't on the floor, and he found the clock not displayed on the wall. instead, it was right at his feet, laying on the bed where he previously placed it when he took it for himself. he also found the drawer to the nightstand half-way opened, revealing the book with the helpful leather strap still on it.

he felt his breath hitch, being in a state of utter shock. i discovered a revelation he thought to himself. while he was still gathering his thoughts, he got a clever idea. he sprung up from his bed, rushing into the bathroom and turning on the light. he checked the mirror to see himself back in his night clothes, wearing his smiley mask.

he instinctively reached for his pockets to check if he got the wire. to his correct thinking, the wire from the clock wasn't there. his eyes trailed between his reflection and the door, knowing that he truly went back in time. the clock isn't even taken apart yet, the guards aren't on the floor, i finished my tiramisu.. he reminded himself. with a little more time spent dawning on his thoughts, dream kept staring at himself in the mirror, knowing he couldn't see his own shocked expression from underneath his mask. "holy shit." he muttered.

" he muttered

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i do be trying to write the epilogue rn so i might as well post this

w.c.: 700+

a second time // yandere dsmp x reader pt 2Where stories live. Discover now