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chro·nol·o·gy pro·tec·tion con·jec·ture
/krəˈnäləjē/ /prəˈtekSH(ə)n/ /kənˈjekCHər/
a hypothesis first proposed by Stephen Hawking that the laws of physics prevent time travel on all but microscopic scales.

- the chronology protection conjecture is a theory about time travel only working on a microscopic level.
- this theory is technically correct. however, the practice of time travel has enabled beings not on the microscopic scale to use science to their ability. this disproves the chronology protection conjecture.
- nevertheless, this theory is important as it paved the way for limitless possibilities in time travel.

- trigger warnings!: none.

key- trigger warnings!: none

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" IT STATES.. within wormholes, tachyons merge together to move within its gravity. tachyons will always be present within wormholes, allowing for time travel to occur. therefore, if small enough or containing tachyons in itself, entities on a microscopic level are able to time travel." techno read aloud to everyone sitting on the couch, educating his friends on the chronology protection conjecture.

everyone had some shook up faces, all their gazes turning towards ranboo. ranboo gulped a bit nervously. eret put his hand on ranboo's shoulder. "you don't have to do it if you're not comfortable. it's an offer. this plan may save us sometime, but i'm getting there." eret said. "yeah! the wormhole is almost halfway there. we could probably chuck a child in there by the least." quackity said, making everyone laugh.

ranboo looked around at everyone's eyes, seeing them glistening with a hint of hope. he sighed, looking down and thinking for a moment. "you know what... i'll take the chance." ranboo replied, making everyone crack smiles and cheers. ranboo stood up from the couch. "enderman time traveling. what he gonna do?" ranboo joked, making the atmosphere a little more upbeat.

everyone got themselves ready, taking a small break to get food and drinks before settling down. quackity and eret still stayed at the other side of the room, practicing wormhole generation. you and ranboo were snuggling together on the couch, ranboo laying on top of you while you held the time traveling book in front of the two of you, reading through and discussing the descriptions about how time traveling feels.

techno watched over everyone, checking up on eret's progress and how ranboo was feeling. at some point, he looked out the window, seeing the full moon beaming brightly with basic moonshine against the blanket of stars. in his gut, he felt like something good was going to happen. maybe dream will get some karma techno thought, smiling softly.

——-                       ——-                       ——-

EVERYONE GATHERED AT THE "testing area" where eret has been practicing wormhole generation. ranboo stood next to eret, shaking himself off and preparing for the things that are gonna happen. techno handed ranboo some golden apples, a strength potion, water, and an enchanted sword to make sure he'd be okay in case if he went to the wrong place.

a second time // yandere dsmp x reader pt 2Where stories live. Discover now