When I said all my friends were just boys, you will understand where I'm coming from. My experiences with girls in all those years was nothing to be proud about.All they do was either use me if their favorite friend is not there or worse, say my name to their parents as an alibi. And all the sinners will go to their boyfriend's house, instead.
I cannot say that I'm much mature than they are, but at least, I would not stoop down to their level.
That's why I much prefer the boy's company, although I'm close to a few like Sunoo and Niki who bought us a meal in advance. They did not even bother to ask me why my skirt is wet.
It only takes one look at Jake's frown before Niki is handing me his extra jogging pants for his P.E class. Yes, it has the label of their school, but it will have to do. It's much better than wearing a wet skirt all day.
"Go change now", Niki pointed to where I can find the restroom, and I smiled, "We'll wait for you, just be quick. This chicken is waiting for me"
"And this mash potato is already calling for me", Sunoo added, his eyes looking down so lovingly at the said food.
Jake could only gaze at them in such adoration you would think they were his brothers. His baby brothers. Perhaps he did.
When he catch me looking, he just widen his eyes before he says, "Faster, I'm starving now!"
"Shoo!", Niki said while he gestured me to finally leave them alone, so I did, but not before smiling at their antics. They're all I need for my mood to lighten up.
As it turns out, the fit of the pants wasn't too large like I expected and I only have to roll up the length up to my ankle. And of course, I have to be thankful by the plastic of this fast food to where I can put my wet skirt before hiding it in my bag.
In the process of zipping my bag close, I heard the door opens up and a female voice echoed in the whole room. The sound annoyed me as I hear her purring to someone else out there.
"Oh my god, just get down on me when the whole school knows you wanted me to, Jay", the girl said as she moaned.
The sound almost made me cringe, but my heart dropped in my stomach as I heard the name that she mentioned. I tried to deny that it was the person I'm thinking about. In a way, it have my chest tightening uncomfortably.
What should I do? Should I get out and pretend that I didn't see them here? I should go before the boys complain or whatever these two was planning to happen right here with me becoming their witness.
"What's the other reason you would want to follow me here if not for that?", the girl said, her voice acting out like some wheezing cat is causing shivers down my body.
Do girls like her think that was the method to seduce boys? I needed to get the fuck out of here before I discovered the answer for myself.
God, where was the saint Jisoo of Seventeen when you were desperate for his holy water?
I tried to slowly open the stall, but my unhelpful feet bumped on the door that I let out a loud whimper as a natural reaction. I silently cursed at my bad luck as I tried to search for a way to get out of here, undetected.
But who am I kidding?
There was Jay standing in front of the door while a girl clings to him like those slender arms of hers reminded me of nothing but snakes. He allowed her and he looked straight at me with a smirk, while I stood there like a criminal caught in the act, because I don't know what else to do.

Breaking The Bully ⚊ Enhypen Jay
FanfictionShe thought going to college that she'll finally escape the nightmare of highschool. But it's proven wrong as her long time bully was there too, a bully she can't deny she have feelings for. And there's Park Jay who is rich and popular other than be...