Chapter 15: Why would anybody leave you?

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Note: Just keep in mind this is FICTION and is not meant to be taken seriously. I mean no disrespect to Kerstin.

"Why would anybody want to leave you?" Kamala asks eating another spoonful. "I don't know" Doug says, "but i ask myself that question in reference to you, I mean how could someone leave such a beautiful person and break her heart". Kamala smiles "Because god had other plans?" She laughs. "mm true" "Can I ask a question?" Kamala says. "of course" Doug nods eating icecream. "Who wanted the divorce?" Doug goes silent. Kamala continues eating "I'm sorry, it's not my business" she says. "No it's okay, it was me I did" he tells her. "May I ask what happened for you to want it?" "She just went off the rails, was mean to the kids. I mean for gods sake she told Ella she was worthless because she got a D on her report card. She started calling Cole lazy even though he did everything, and said she regretted having kids with me, and I wasn't about to go through that and i won't let my kids either". "Oh wow" Kamala says, her eyes wide with shock. "yeah so i called it off and yeah". Kamala's mind starts to wander. She thinks about Doug and Kerstin's marriage and divorce and their whole situation. "but now I'm with someone I love and trust" Doug says as he sees the cogwheels of her mind turn. She smiles and nods, "I'm sorry you and the kids had to go through that". "It's okay" he says as she cuddles up to him, still holding the bowl.

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