8. It's a big boy kind of thing

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On Friday there still hadn't been a reply from the sperm donor bank. Louis had called a couple of times and he had talked to Mrs. Clark's secretary and she said they didn't have an answer yet, but as soon as they had it, she was going to contact him.

That day Louis stayed with Matty through his chemo, and at noon he went home to shower and change his clothes so he could head to the office for the first time since the whole thing started. He had decided he needed to get some work done himself, because, even if he hadn't said anything, Louis had noticed Niall was really stressed handling his own events plus the majority of Louis's, and he couldn't let him carry all the weight of a company that was half his.

The day he was told Matty had cancer, Louis called his office and told Jerry (their receptionist) that if any new clients called or came in the office asking for an appointment with him, to tell them he wasn't taking any more clients for the time being. He was going to stick to that decision and just finish the events he had already made a commitment to organize, which weren't a few and they were scheduled for the next six or seven months. He knew that by doing that his income was going to be reduced a lot, but he had a lot savings which would get him through until Matty was healthy again.

"Mr. Tomlinson, it's nice to have you back!" Jerry smiled when Louis walked out of the elevator.

"Thank you Jerry" Louis smiled back.

"I hope everything is alright with your grandfather" Jerry said.

No one at the office, but Niall, knew about Matty's cancer, he didn't want pity looks and people treating him as if he was going to break any minute, he had had enough of that when he was the kid who's mum had cancer. So Niall told everyone that Louis's grampa was very sick (both his grampa's were dead actually) and that he wanted to spend time with him before he passed, so that was why he had to absent himself from the office. A sick and dying grandfather usually didn't get pity looks, grampas were supposed to get sick and eventually die, so Louis was okay with Niall saying that to everyone.

"He's still very sick, and I'm the only family he has, so I'm not coming back to work full time" Louis said.

"So I'm still supposed to turn down new clients?" Jerry asked "You should know there has been a lot of disappointed brides and grooms".

"Unfortunately you have to keep doing that, and I'm only going to be working on the afternoons, so only book my appointments then" Louis explained.

"Okay, no problem" Jerry nodded "There's a Mrs. Porter, who's your client, coming to talk to Mr. Payne in an hour, should I send her to your office instead when she gets here?".

"Yes, please do that, and if any of my other clients have appointments with Niall or the other planners, call them to reschedule so I can see them instead".

Jerry agreed and Louis walked down to his office, and when he entered he found it a lot messier that he had left it, probably Niall had been there and had established his "system" on Louis's desk. So he started to organize his things the way he liked them and then he called in some of the assistants to explain how he was going to do things from then on so they could do their job properly. Instead of every planner having his or her own assistants, there was a bunch of them and all the planners shared them because each of then was in charge of different things; it was an odd system, Niall had come up with it, and Louis hadn't been too sure about it at first, but he changed his mind when he saw that it worked, it made everything a lot more efficient.

So Louis spent the next few hours seeing clients, who were relieved to have him back, none of them complained about Niall or the others, but they all said they had chosen Louis for a reason, which wasn't bad to boost his ego.

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