I Did Not Know: Kai (EXO) Fanfic

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        You looked from side to side and didn't see anyone. You're eyes were covered and you stood there.

"Guess who?" he whispered.

"Mmmm... Chen?" you asked.

"ANIYO!" his voice rose.

"I know it's you Chanyeol!" you finally said.

        He let go of your eyes and turned you around. He smiled and captured your lips. He tilted your chin to make it easier. All the boys were hollering as you guys kissed. You moved your head and laughed. Everybody was laughing. Except  Kai. You stared at him as he looked at you and then at the floor. Kai got up from his seat and went to the restroom.

"Are you okay?" D.O asked in a worried voice.

        Kai nodded his head in response, forcing a smile on his face. He crossed the room and entered the door. Fifteen minutes passed and Kai still did not return from the bathroom. You got up and went to the door. You knocked on the door. You dind't hear anything so you opened the door to find nobody in there.

"KAI IS GONE!" you screamed.

        Everybody jumped out of their seats and ran to the bathroom to confirm that Kai was not in there. The bathroom window was left open. Everybody rushed to get their shoes on and ran outside.

"Let's all split up!" Kris said. 

"Okay!" everybody said and began running in different directions. You ran with Chanyeol and D.O but D.O turned the corner. So it was just you and Chanyeol. Chanyeol cut through the corner and left you running alone. you gto out your phone and called him.

"Yoboseo?" Kai's voice rang through the other end.

"YAH! Where are you?" you asked.

"Why?" he said, his voic edropping octaves making his tone deeper and hung up.

        You tried calling his phone but it went straight to voicemail. You continued calling but it went straight to voice mail.

"KAI!" you screamed .

        You ran down the street and turned the corner. As you turned the corner you saw a black figure walking. You rushed to it and pulled his shoulder back.

"Kai?" you asked but realized that it was not him.

"YAH! Are you crazy!" the guy shouted and continued walking turning his head a few times before getting farther.

        You ran around the neighborhood but there was still no sign of Kai. You dialed his number. It rang and rang. 

"WHAT!" his voice boomed through the other line.

"K-Kai? Where are you?" your voice shaking as if you were about to cry.

"At the house" he said and hung up.

        You called everybody to inform them that Kai was at the house. They all said okay and they all rushed to the house. Everybody arrived at the same time and all burst through the door. Kai was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"YAH! Where the fuck were you!?" Kris shouted.

"Yeah! You had us worried." Chanyeol said.

"Oh piss off!" Kai said and walked away.

"YAH! Don't turn your back while I'm talking to you!" Kris yelled.

"WHY! YOU"RE NOT MY DAD!" Kai said.

"Suho go talk to him," Kris said.

        Suho came out five mnutes later. Everybody was waiting to hear what was wrong with Kai.

"He did not say a word but 'Get the hell out'" Suho reported.

"I'll go talk to him," you said.

        You walked to the door and knocked. you heard nothing and walked in. Kai stood there with his towel around his waist. He turned around.

"What do you want?" he asked trying to escape to the bathroom.

"I want to know what is wrong," you said rushing to the bathroom.

"Do you mind? I have to change" he said.

"Not until you tell me what is wrong," you siad.

"No!" he said turned around.

        You rushed to be in front of him and stood there.

"Tell me," you said.


"Come on tell me," you said playfully punching him.


Just tell me Kai. Come on!"


"Will you just..."

"I like you!" Kai interrupted you.

"M-Mwo?" you said.

"Now can you get out?" Kai said as he walked passed you.

        Not know what went toyour mind you pulle his hand and stopped him from leaving.

"I'm sorry," you said and walked to him.

"Why are you sorry for?" he said and turned around trying to walk away.

        Your body moved by itself and you felt yourself turn Kai around and force yourself on him. His eyes were huge and he then closed his eyes. You turn around pulling on his shoulders and turned him around. You pushed him on the bed.

"_____________? What are you doing?" Kai asked.

"I loved you too. I just thought that you had a thing for Hyoyeon." you said and got on top of him.

"What about Chanyeol?" he asked.

"Forget Chanyeol. This is for you," you said roaming your hands over his six pack.

        You removed the towel frmo the front to reveal his enormous dick. You pumped it to harden it. You smiled as it worked with a few pumps. You licked your lips and went for it. Kai grabbed your head and pushed your head farther down. He  arched his back as you made little circles with your tongue on his tip.

"____________..." Kai moaned.

        You swallowed his full length and went back up.  You felt his dick twitch and he moaned your name as his hot fluid came into your mouth. He laid on the bed and you came on top of him, kissing him.

"I love you," you said and got off the bed "I'm sorry that I did not know that you felt that way."

"It's okay," he said putting on clothes.

"Let's go together?" you insisted.

"Sure" he said and opened the door to find everybody at the door. With Chanyeol in the front.

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