Please Come Back: Mark (GOT7) Fanfic

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I don't know why, but GOT7 has been on my mind for the past few weeks... Especially Mark and JB. They are my bias!

JB is your older brother by the way... Your name will be Im Jae Lyn...

You had nowhere to go. You got kicked out since you and your parents had this little fight... Well step-mom and you. And you hit her and she cried like a little bitch when your dad came in. He yelled at you and told you to get out of the house. You did and walked around. you didn't know where to go. You didn't want to live with your older brother since he was in a popular boy band and he kind of left you with the WICKED WITCH OF THE SOUTH and because you kind of... well not kind of... but you liked Mark of GOT7. You were walking all over the place. You went into a cafe and sat there crying your eyes out. You looked around and saw a group of seven guys who had masks on. You went to the counter and got you something to eat.

"Hi. Can I get a muffin and a large cup of hot chocolate please?" you asked.

"Sure. Anything else?" the person asked.

"No thank you," you said and gave her the money.

You looked at the table with seven guys and met eyes with one of them. His eyes grew big and you were staring at him.

"Here you go miss," the person said.

"Thank you," you smiled and looked at the guy who was still staring at you.

You felt weird being stared at and grabbed your stuff and began walking out. You saw that the guy was still staring at you and you hurried out with your bags. You looked through the window and that they were leaving. You began running with your bag and stuff.

"WAIT!" a voice called out.

You tried to run faster and faster as the voice was coming closer and closer to your step. Your hand was grabbed you were pulled into a tight hug.

"Get off of me!" you cried.

"Don't you know me?" he asked a bit hurt.

"How the fuck am I supposed to who the hell you are when you practically have your face covered!" you shouted.

"JB!" a voice was heard and you turned around and the other six were coming.

You backed away from all of them.

"G-Get away from. I have a gun!" you said.

"You don't have a gun," the guy that gave you a hug said.

"And how would you know that," you asked.

"Because dad doesn't own a gun," he said and pulled down his mask.

"Oh. Jaebum," you said rolling your eyes.

"Where you going and why do you have all your stuff?" he smiled.

You totally ignored his question and went to your stuff and began dragging it again.

"YAH! Don't turn your back to my. I'm your brother! Your OLDER BROTHER!" he shouted.

"I don't have an older brother. He left me to rot in hell. He never even told me that he was going to become an idol. He left without saying a good bye to me. My brother was never there when I cried and when I was beaten. He didn't even care about me. SHIT! HE WASN'T EVEN THERE WHEN I WAS KICKED OUT OF MY OWN HOME!" you shouted and began walking.

He stood there silently, not knowing what just happened or what to do next. As you were walking, your bag was grabbed and you stopped.

"Please forgive me," he begged while he had tears in his eyes.

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