Defending: Daehyun (B.A.P.) Fanfic

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Note: I was inspired by Mila Kunis backing up Justin Timberlake in their press conference in Russia.

You did a drama and you were the lead while actor while he was the main. You guys just finished filming and it came out to be a success. Maybe because of BABY's but who knows. There was a huge press conference in the states, since you guys filmed majority of it in the states. There you stood, waiting for the conference to start. You were led to your seat which was right by Daehyun, since you were at the end. And then it started.

"_____________? Before, you became famous, where did you come from?" a reporter asked you.

"I came from the hood." you said plainly " To be more specific, East Palo Alto."

Question after question, everybody answered. But nobody has asked Daehyun a question.

"Daehyun?" a reporter said.

"Y-Yes" he said with a heavy accent.

"So a lot of Korean pop singers are singer and actors. But for you. It doesn't really suit you. Why did you do it? the reporter asked.

"I don't know what he said," Daehyun said in Korean to his translator.

"I think you should stop acting because your group is going down hill" the guy continued.

Daehyun's translator translated what the reporter said and he stiffened at what he had heard. He put his head down.

"Why does it care to you?" you screamed and everybody stared at you.

"Excuse me, but I was asking Daehyun." he said.

"I am very aware of that. And now I am asking you a question. Why do you care about what he does?" you said with force.

"Well. I just want him to know that a lot of Korean pop singers who turned into idols became a super fail. And I know Daehyun will be added to that one list" he said laughing.

His comment made everybody laugh. But it made Daehyun and the staff stiffened at his words. And it made you furious. He was laughing.

"Last time I checked, all of that was laughing are still below him," you said and everybody quieted down "Now who is laughing now?"

"Excuse me?" he said.

"You are excused. Bye!" you said.

"I am just doing my job miss." he started.

"And so is he!" you said cutting him off.

Back and forth, back and forth. You guys exchanged rude comments towards you. The thing that made you go and be your ghetto self was how he commented on how you were not even fully Korean but half black. And how you are way below him because of how you are black. Then he commented on how Daehyun will never be successful again.

"Oh hell nah!" you yelled screaming as you took off your earrings "ONE! If this is between me and you. Let it be between me and you. Don't be dragging people into this mix! TWO! Black lives matter and you don't know how much of an ASS you sound just by saying what you have just said. THREE! I may not be full Korean, but at least I am PROUD to be a human living being. FOUR! DAEHYUN IS MORE TALENTED, MORE ATTRACTIVE, MORE SMARTER, MORE SUCCESSFUL, THAN ALL OF YOU BASIC ASS BITCHES COMBINED TOGETHER. COMPARE YOUR PAY CHECK TO DAEHYUN, YOU'LL PROBABLY MAKE 1% OF WHAT HE MAKES!" 

"______-" Daehyun tried to say your name.

"Hold on I'm not done yet!" you screamed "You guys are just average!"

"Daehyun is it not enough?" the guy asked Daehyun, while he ignored your comment.

"Excuse m-me?" Daehyun spoke.

"You must be a gold digger if you are an idol and you want to be an actor, despite the fact that you're not even all that," he laughed.

"Wow. Is it enough?" you asked.

Everybody looked at you confused.

"What is enough?" he asked finally.

"Your paychecks? I mean... You must get paid a lot to just sit your fat ass over here and criticize someone else for their flaws. What about your flaws?" you said smirking.

"I have no flaws!" he stated proudly.

"Bullshit!" you shouted "You know for a fact that everybody has their flaws! Nobody is perfect. Not me. Not you. Shit. Not even Beyonce is perfect."

"If you want to talk about my flaws, then why don't you say one?" he asked smirking.

"Fine... You raped an African American girl. The year is 2004. California." you said and his smile quickly dsappeared.

"What?" you could hear everybody say.

"H-h-h" he tried saying.

"How do I know. Because that person was me." you said "This conference is done!"

You got up and walked back stage so you were covered.

"_____________?" you heard Daehyun's voice ask.

"Yeah?" you said.

"Thank you.... For defending me." he said in a heavy accent.

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