Second Chance: Yongguk (B.A.P.) Fanfic

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Yongguk Fan-fic:

You rushed through the double doors of the cafe. You looked both left and right and then left again. And then you saw him. Sitting there looking out the window. Not noticing you, you sat in front of him and waited for him to look. He turned towards you and jumped at the sudden person who snuck by him.

"Hey," Yongguk said.

"Hey" you said.

You guys sat there in silent. You looking outside and then at him.

"So, how is everything?" he asked almost crying.

"It's-it's" you started.

"I miss you," he interrupted you.

"Mwo?" you asked in shock.

"I miss you," he repeated having a bit more confidence in his response.

You sat there silent and looked at him.

"Let me go get you something." he said and got up and left the table to the counter.

You continued looking out of the window and sighed thinking on what he said. You puffed your cheeks out and sighed, slamming your head onto the table. Your head was poked and you lifeted your head.

"You okay?" he asked.

You nodded and managed to smile. He sat in front of you and gave you your original order: a mocha frappuccino and a danish. You sipped your drink andtook a bite out of your danish. You guys sat there in silence.

"I miss all those fun days together," he finally broke the silence.

"Me too," you said without taking your eyes off of the danish.

You sipped your frappuccino, not knowing that you were almost done. The cafe was quiet and all you could hear was 2NE1's "Do You Love Me" playing through the speakers of the cafe.

"Do you love me?" Yongguk sang.

All you could do was laugh at how he struggled to make his voice go a few octaves higher. You shook your cup, which was empty, and heard a strange noise.

"You know that I hate cherries with my frappuccinos, why would you get me a cherry," you asked angrily.

Making your anger level ease, the only that he did to make you laugh is TRY to do aegyeo! Which was a huge fail!

"Can we try again?" he asked.

"I don't know Yongguk," you started " thye way everyone looks at me just increases my stress level. It hurts to see all those rude comments that people make about me and how they threatening to end my life"

"Is that why you just walked out," he asked.

"Well not really," you admitted.

"Mwo, what do you mean?" he asked confused.

"Well, I-I've been waiting for you to ask a specific question," you finally said.

"What question was that?" Yongguk asked in a hard tone.

"Never mind that," you brushed off the subject.

"Okay," he said.

"How is the other ones?" you asked.

"They all miss you especially Zelo," he said.

"Poor dongsaeng-ah," you said.

"We can try again," yongguk said in a firm voice.

"No we can't," you said.

"Yes we can because I'll always protect you even if it means to end my life for you," he said.

"Don't say that," you said "How do you know we can actually make it and go longer," you asked.

"Because I said so," Yongguk said.

After he said that, he smiled and stood up across from you and walked towards where you were sitting. He smiled and kneeled.

"W-wae?" you asked "How can we be a couple, when we did not last that long before?"

"Because I know what you wanted from me," he said.

Confused from his comment, you asked "Mwo?"

He reached across and took your empty cup of used to be frappuccino and opened the cap. You watcing confusingly, as he grabbed your cup and took off the lid. You watched in amazement as he held a napkin under the rim of the cup.

"What are you doing?" you asked.

He did not answer and was pressing on the napkin and rubbing it together as if cleaning something. He looked up and smiled.

"I knew what you wanted but I was just scared that we weren't ready yet," he confessed.

"You did?" you asked.

He nodded and got up off the ground and bent down on one knee. You sat there crying your eyes out.

"____________-ah? Will you..."

"YES!" you interrupted him and jumped off your chair and tackled him making you both lying on the floor smiling. 

"I love you," he said.

"Love you too," you replied back and locked your lips with his.

"This is our second and last chance okay?" he asked.

"Ne!" you said.

He showed his gummy smile and you smiled. You helped eachother up so he can put the ring on your finger.

"It's perfect!" he shouted in joy.

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