She Wasn't Ready: Song Gayeon Fanfic (MMA Fighter)

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Note: Everybody knows that Song Gayeon has been recieving death threats in the mail and what not. So enjoy this piece. Beware, Song Gayeon may be a bit ratchet in this fanfic. Quick FYI... This is actually what happened when I was a freshmen. Well most of it. Just trying to make it more better.

"____________? Is anybody picking on you?" your older sister Song Gayeon asked.

        Her question took you by surprise nd you sat there trying to even out the odds of actually telling her or not. You shook your head and smiled. 

"It;s not some girl named Jackie?" she asked you "Or Adrian?"

        You smiled and looked at her and shook your head. It hurt you to lie to her but you had to do it for your own benefit. You continued eating and all and  went to the room. A few hours later, you quietly stepped out of your room to getr a drink of water but overheard your sister talking with her boyfriend.

"Yes! There was a status that was posted up about him and all." she said.

"Are you sure?" KangJun asked.

"Of course I am. Because Sera told Jay, Jay to Lena, Lena told Minwoo, and Minwoo told me"

"Just calm down," KangJun said.

"What do you mean calm down! My brother, who is a freshman is being picked on by two Juniors." Gayeon shouted.

        You walked away and went into the kitchen. You opened the fridge to grab a drink. You closed the door to find Gayeon behind the door. 

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" you screamed.

"_______________? I'm going to ask you one mroe time. Is there anyone that is picking at you when we're at school." she asked in a hurt but andry voice.

        You looked down and nodded. You couldn't hold back the tears anymore, it all slid down your face. You tried apologizing but that was a successful fail, after you choked on your sobs for a fewminutes, you were comforted.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she asked.

"Because, I was afraid that you guys would tease me too," you replied. 

"Well everything is going to be resolved. Tomorrow, look for me and Minwoo," she said.

"Okay go look for you and hyung," you repeaed and went to bed.

        Not knowing what she actually said, you fell asleep at peace.

Next Day:

"Snitch!" Jackie said as you walked to your class.

        You continued walking and kept on ignoring her. Minwoo turned the corner and saw you. 

"What class you're going to?" he asked.

"Korean," you said.

"Okay, I have a free period so I can walk with you to your class," Minwoo said.

        You guys walked in this awkward silence that was never broken until you were face to face with your classroom door.

"Okay, see you after school," he said waving.

"Kay," you said and went into the room.

        You walked into to find Adrian staring at you smiling. You walked pass him and he stuck out his leg. you tripped and fell over.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there girly girl!" he laughed and so did eeryone else.

        You got up, took your seat, and continued on with the day.

After School:

        Rumors spread so fast as if it was a wild fire. Everywhere you went, the word 'snitch' would be shouted out. You looked to find KangJun walking towards you.

"KangJun? Have you seen my sister?" you asked.

"Is it true?" he asked.

"What is?" you asked confused.

"Is it true that you are being picked on?" he asked in a firm voice.

        You looked down and nodded your head as he patted your back.

"Let's go," he said.

"To where?" you asked.

"I'm taking you to your sister," he said with a smile.

        You guys approached the front of the school doors and went through it. The sunrays hitting your body. You could feel the warmth. You saw a circle and heard yelling. You entered the circle and saw your sister with Jackie and Minwoo with Adrian.

"Bitch! Drop toes then! You wanna talk all that shit on facebook and what not but you can't fight me?" Gayeon screamed.

"I don't know what you talking about Gayeon. I thought we was hella cool and stuff." Jackie said as she was crying.

        On the other side of the circle, you see Minwoo oushing Adrian making him fall to the ground.

"You want to pick on my brother? HUH?" Minwoo yelled at Adrian who was also crying.

        You looked to your left and saw Gayeon push Jackie to the floor.

"Noona!" you shouted and ran to her.

"Get off of me ______________!" she said about to jump on Jackie who was still on the floor.

"Please no!" you said.

        You turned around and saw Park Minwoo and Adrian pushing eachother and ran to them. You went between them and saw that Gayeon was already ontop of Jackie. You went and triewd to pull her off but you looked at Adrian and saw that Park Minwoo was already on top of him punching him. You turned around and saw KangJun. He approached you.

"Why are you stopping them if they have been talking hella mess about you?" he asked.

"Because they were the first people thatr welcomed me to this school," you said and continued watching you older siblings punch their targets lifeless body.

Note: I think this is also horrible but enjoy anyways.

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