I'm Sorry: Tao FanFic (EXO)

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Note: Not every ending is very happy to let you guys know. Enjoy :)

        You sat there impatiently grinding the legs of the chair against the ground. You looked at the time. RING! The bell rang signalling the end of the day. You rushed out the door bumping into someone instantly.

"YAH!" you heard and felt your wrist being encircled "_________-shi?"

        You faced your "friend" Sora. She stood there smiling. And you smiled.

"Yah, I don't let any thirsty bitches touch me," you said and brushed her hand free and walking away leaving your confused friend.

"_______ shi? What's the matter?" your friend screamed.

        You rushed to down the hall and turned the corner bumping into saomeone.

"JAGI! ♥" your boyfriend said smiling.

        You rolled your eyes and pushed him away. You continued walking down the hall, bumping shoulders with him, and rushed down the hall. You felt irritated at his presence and all you wanted to do is punch him square in the face. Just seeing his face reminded you of your nightmare. The day you would never forget. The day that made you more angry than someone eating your noodles. And that day was yesterday.


        You said good bye to your friends waving at them and giving them a farewell smile. You walked down the streets and turned the corner, taking your original route to get home. You turned to the empty alley way but quickly retreated back. You poked your head to see who it was. You saw Tao and your friend Park Sora holding hands.

"They're just friends," you said to yourself about to walk into view.

        You suddenly stopped and froze. You continued watching, again, about to go out again but you were stopped. You saw Tao throw Park Sora to the wall, putting his whole body onher, and began kissing her passionately. Tears streamed down your eyes as youwatched your boyfriend cheat on you.

"Babe?" Park Sora broke the kiss "What about _________?"

"What about her?" he asked in a careless manner.

"She's your girlfriend," Sora said.

"Ex" Tao said with a grin on his face.

        Sora began smiling at his comment and continued kissing him. They broke up the kiss and began walking again. Tjhey stopped and Tao tuck a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.

"Love you babe!" Tao said.

"Love you too Zitao!" Sora said smiling.


"Babe?" Tao said chasing after you.

        Practically throwing people behind you to act as an obstacle for him to slow down. But that didn't work. He grabbed your hand and turned around. in a flash, your fist connected with his face knocking his tall ass to the floor.

"I don't let animals touch me," you said and stalked off.

        You continued walkihng, bumping into people because your vision was so blurry at the fact that you were crying again. Again, your wrist was encircled and you were turned around by force. 

"What's with you?" he asked in a serious tone.

"You tell me," you said trying to push him away.

"I don't know," he said confused.

"You do know because you're the one that caused all this!" you said.

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